Product Administration Guide > Customizable Product User Interface >

About Groups

Groups are the way you define what items appear on a selection page. Depending on the product theme, each group you define causes a separate selection page to be created. For example, you want all the hard disks in a customizable product to appear on the same page. You do this by defining a group in the Product UI Designer and then adding the Hard Disks relationship to this group. If you selected a tab type product theme, the hard disks display as a selectable page tab. When the user clicks on the tab, a selection page displays containing only the hard disks.

The Product UI Designer lets you create groups that contain relationships, attributes, resources, or links.

When you create a group, you can choose a group style. The group style defines the details of how a group will display.

A group definition contains the following fields:

  • Group Name. Required. The name you give a group displays on the selection page. Use the product theme to guide how you choose group names. For example, if you use a tab theme, name the group according to what you want to appear on the page tabs.
  • Group Theme. Required. The group theme lets you specify the layout of the group within the base theme. In most cases, you will select the Standard Group Theme.
  • Sequence. The Sequence field governs the order in which pages display. The group with sequence = 1 displays first in the page series.
  • Description. Use the description field to keep notes about the group definition. The contents of this field do not display on the selection page.

After defining a group, you select items from the customizable product to add to it. An item record for a group contains the following fields:

  • Name. For Relationship items, this field contains the product display name. For Attribute, Resource and Linked Items, this field contains the item name. This field displays in the selection page.
  • Type. This field displays whether the item is from a relationship, is a resource, a linked item, or is one of the customizable product's attributes.
  • Sequence. The sequence controls the order of display of relationships within a group. The item with Sequence =1 is displayed first in the group.
  • UI Control. Click in this field to select a UI control, such as radio button or check box for the item or for the items in a relationship.
Product Administration Guide