Siebel eScript Language Reference > Siebel eScript Commands > The Clib Object String Methods >

Clib.strpbrk() Method

This method searches a string for any of several specified characters and returns the string beginning at the first instance of one of the specified characters.


Clib.strpbrk(string, charSet)



A string variable or literal containing the string from which the substring is to be extracted


A string variable or literal containing a group of characters, any one of which may be the starting character for the substring


The string beginning at the first instance of one of the specified characters in the charSet parameter; otherwise, null, if none is found.


This method searches string for any of the characters specified in charSet.

When possible, you should use the standard JavaScript method substring() (read string.replace() Method).


For an example using this function, read Clib.strcspn() Method. To accomplish the same result using standard JavaScript methods, read string.replace() Method.

See Also

Clib.strchr() Method
Clib.strcspn() Method
string.replace() Method

Siebel eScript Language Reference