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String and Byte-Array Methods in Siebel eScript

The following is a list of string and byte-array methods.


charAt() Method

Returns the character at a specified location in a string.

Clib.memchr() Method

Searches a byte array

Clib.memcmp() Method

Compares two byte arrays

Clib.memcpy() Method and Clib.memmove() Method

Copies or moves from one byte array to another

Clib.memset() Method

Copies from one byte array to another

Clib.rsprintf() Method

Returns a formatted string

Clib.sprintf() Method

Writes formatted output to a string

Clib.sscanf() Method

Reads and formats input from a string

Clib.strchr() Method

Searches a string for a character

Clib.strcspn() Method

Searches a string for the first character in a set of characters

Clib.stricmp() Method and Clib.strcmpi() Method

Makes a case-sensitive comparison of two strings

Clib.strlwr() Method

Converts a string to lowercase

Clib.strncat() Method

Concatenates a portion of one string to another

Clib.strncmp() Method

Makes a case-sensitive comparison of parts of two strings

Clib.strncmpi() Method and Clib.strnicmp() Method

Makes a case-insensitive comparison of parts of two strings

Clib.strncpy() Method

Copies a portion of one string to another

Clib.strpbrk() Method

Searches string for a character from a set of characters

Clib.strrchr() Method

Searches a string for the last occurrence of a character

Clib.strspn() Method

Searches a string for a character not in a set of characters

Clib.strstr() Method

Searches a string for a substring (case-sensitive)

Clib.strstri() Method

Searches a string for a substring (case-insensitive)

indexOf() Method

Returns the index of the first instance of a specified substring in a string.

lastIndexOf() Method

Returns the index of the last instance of a specified substring in a string.

split() Method

Parses a string and returns an array of strings based on a specified separator.

String.fromCharCode() Static Method

Returns the character associated with a specified character code.

substring() Method

Retrieves a section of a string

toLowerCase() Method

Converts a string to lowercase

toUpperCase() Method

Converts a string to uppercase

Siebel eScript Language Reference