Siebel eScript Language Reference > Quick Reference: Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript >

Character Classification Methods in Siebel eScript

The following is a list of character classification methods.


Clib.isalnum() Method

Tests for an alphanumeric character

Clib.isalpha() Method

Tests for an alphabetic character

Clib.isascii() Method

Tests for an ASCII-coded character

Clib.iscntrl() Method

Tests for any control character

Clib.isdigit() Method

Tests for any decimal-digit character

Clib.isgraph() Method

Tests for any printing character except space

Clib.islower() Method

Tests for a lowercase alphabetic letter

Clib.isprint() Method

Tests for any printing character

Clib.ispunct() Method

Tests for a punctuation character

Clib.isspace() Method

Tests for a white-space character

Clib.isupper() Method

Tests for an uppercase alphabetic character

Clib.isxdigit() Method

Tests for a hexadecimal-digit character

Clib.toascii() Method

Converts to ASCII

Siebel eScript Language Reference