Siebel Marketing Guide > Campaign Plans and Campaigns > Setting Up Campaign Quotas >

Assigning Campaign Quota Plan Participants

Assign eligible participants to your quota plan using the Participants view tab.

To add participants to the campaign quota plan

  1. Use the step in the following list that applies to your product:
  2. In the Campaigns list, select the campaign and click the Quotas view tab.
  3. In the Quotas list, locate the quota plan and drill down on the Name hyperlink.
  4. Quota objectives appear in the Quotas list.

  5. Click the Quota Plan Participants view tab.
  6. In the Participants list, create a new record.
  7. In the Add Positions dialog box, select the people targeted for quota plan participation and click OK.

Repeat this procedure to add other participants.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003