Siebel Marketing Guide > Previewing and Generating Lists >

Previewing a List

Use the procedure that follows to create a sample list that you can preview. The sample includes a maximum of 500 records and a proportional number of seeds. A sample list contains the following information:

Before you can preview a list, you must specify a vendor for list distribution using the Campaigns screen's Waves view tab, and the List Distribution list. If Siebel Call Center is the list recipient, rather than a vendor, Preview List is unavailable.

CAUTION:  If the RequestServer parameter is not configured correctly in the client.cfg file, an error occurs and you will see the following error message: Internal: Communication protocol error while instantiating new task.

To preview a list

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Programs > My Program Plans.
  2. In the Program Plans list, select the Program, and click the Stages view tab.
  3. In the Stages list, drill down on the appropriate Stage Plan Name hyperlink.
  4. Click the Preview List view tab.
  5. In the Preview List list, select the campaign list record.
  6. Scroll down to the Output Lists list and click Preview Sample.
  7. The Siebel Marketing Server extracts a sample of the list, and applies the list format. A record displays in the Output Lists list when the list preview is generated. However, you must refresh the view before the record displays. to refresh the view, leave the view and then return to it.

    NOTE:  If you generate the preview list again, the previous preview record will be replaced by a new record.

  8. In the Output Lists list, click the Name hyperlink.
  9. A window appears containing columns headed by elements included in the list format, and corresponding data related to the contact.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003