Siebel Marketing Guide > Program and Campaign Management Tools >

Forecasting for Campaigns

The Forecast view tab in the Campaigns screen allows you to examine the financial outlook of a marketing campaign based on your budget numbers and other assumptions you add.

A marketing analyst might model a number of different campaign scenarios by varying the segment count, response rate, conversion rate, and so, on to test the expected results for different types of campaigns or response rates. By changing the predicted response and conversion rates, the analyst can determine what the high-end (optimistic) and low-end (pessimistic) predicted results are for each campaign as well as show results within a range of predicted values.

You can choose to model using an estimated total count and average response and conversion rates by typing them in the input summary form, or can type individual values for each segment and list on their respective input applets. Select the Use Segment and List Data menu option if you wish to use these individual inputs, and in either case, use Recalculate to update the predicted results.

To restrict the model to actual segment and list data without recalculating, click the menu button in the Input Summary form and choose Use Segment/List Data. This will use the assumptions for counts, response rates, and conversion rates you add in the Segment Inputs form and List Inputs form. Selecting the Use Segment/List Data overwrites your existing totals for counts, response rates, and conversion rates.

Forecast is also integrated with the Marketing Analysis reports in Siebel Analytics to provide financial reporting by program and campaign plans.

The marketing reports use your inputs from Forecast to calculate predicted and actual values for revenue, margins, costs, response rates and ROI. In the reports, each set of Forecast assumptions is applied to each campaign. You can type your Forecast inputs as average values across all campaigns to estimate the predicted compared to the actual financial results of each campaign plan.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003