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Understanding Customizable Product Web Templates

Customizable Product Web templates are files that control all aspects of how selection pages display. You customize the look and feel of selection pages by modifying these templates.

Customizable Product Web templates are stored in the installation subdirectory \webtempl. The templates that control display of selection pages begin with eCfg. There four types of Web templates used by eConfigurator.

You select a base theme and product theme template in the Versions tab. You select group themes and UI control templates in the Product UI Designer.

Web templates are not themselves HTML files, but they do contain a combination of HTML table commands, JavaScript, and Siebel Web Engine (swe) commands. The swe commands are in XML format. These commands are used in Web templates as follows:

Web templates are used by the Frame Code Engine to create HTML selection pages, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Web Template Processing

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When a customizable product is called for display, an instance is created and stored in memory. The Frame Code Engine requests information about the product from the UI service and uses it to provide the values required in the Web templates. The Frame Code Engine then builds selection pages and forwards them to the Web Engine Frame Manager. The pages are then provided to the Web Server.

 Product Administration Guide, Version 7.5 
 Published: 18 April 2003