Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Implementing Siebel Remote Server > Starting Siebel Remote Server Components >

Synchronization Manager

Table 8 shows the start-up parameters for the Synchronization Manager.

Table 8. Selected Synchronization Manager Start-up Parameters
Default Value and Usage Notes
Authentication Method
Method that Siebel Remote uses to authenticate mobile Web clients. The default is None.
  • None. Does not validate the mobile Web client's password.
  • Database. Uses the mobile Web client's user name and password to connect mobile Web clients to the server database.
  • Siebel. Validates the mobile Web client's password against the password stored in the mobile Web client's screen.
  • AppServer. Validates the password against the password on the Siebel Server operating system.
The mobile Web client's NT password cannot contain lowercase letters.
Domain Name
If you are using AppServer authentication, this parameter specifies the name of the Windows NT domain for the user name and password.
To use Windows NT password authentication, you must enable the Windows NT user rights for the Siebel Server.
Minimum Number of cached thread contexts
Minimum number of cached thread contexts maintained by a multithreaded server. The default is 2 cached contexts.
Maximum Number of cached thread contexts
Maximum number of cached thread contexts maintained by a multithreaded server. The default is 10 cached contexts.
Maximum Task Number
Maximum number of synchronization sessions Synchronization Manager can service simultaneously. Default is 100.
Synchronization Port Number
The TCP/IP port number dedicated to the Synchronization Manager. Default value is 40400. Use the Siebel Server Administration screens to override the default value by specifying a value and restarting the Siebel Server.
You can also specify this port number as a command-line option when starting this server component via Server Manager using the command-line interface.
Siebel File System
Siebel File System location for mobile Web clients.
Encryption Type
Determines if the traffic of a synchronization session will be encrypted. Values are: RSA, MSCRYPTO, and NONE.

The multithreaded Synchronization Manager maintains a collection of open database connections (context cache) that can be parceled out to the active task threads and be reused. By default, each server creates two connections during start-up. Additional contexts may be created dynamically, but the server (by default) maintains a maximum of only 10 context caches.

You can specify the minimum cache size using the MinCtxCache parameter and the maximum cache size using the MaxCtxCache parameter. A larger cache may be helpful for configurations where multiple mobile Web clients synchronize. Note, however, that an excessive number of inactive database connections can degrade system performance.

The Synchronization Manager creates the number of cached contexts specified by the MinCtxCache parameter at start-up. A cached context decreases the time to initialize a new synchronization session. Increase the cache size if you have a large number of mobile Web clients to synchronize simultaneously.

The Synchronization Manager can service up to the MaxTasks number of synchronization sessions simultaneously, but it only keeps at most the MaxCtxCache number of cached contexts in memory.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003