Siebel Server Administration Guide > Siebel Server Components and Parameters > Parameters >

Siebel Enterprise Server Parameters

This section describes in detail the Siebel Enterprise Server parameters listed in Table 30.

Enterprise Server Description. This is a description of the Siebel Enterprise Server, used for identification in Server Manager views. The system prompts you for the value of this parameter during the configuration of the Siebel Enterprise Server when the first Siebel Server is installed.

Indexspace Name. Indexspace name for the Siebel database schema tables. This parameter specifies the name of the storage space in which to create the indexes for the Siebel database schema. The exact physical meaning of this parameter is database platform-specific. For more information, see the Siebel Server Installation Guide for the operating system you are using to determine if this parameter is supported for your database platform.

ODBC Data Source. ODBC data source name for the Siebel database schema connectivity. The default data source is created during the Siebel Server installation process, but may be overridden for a component or task. This data source must be created as a system DSN. Note that this parameter is case-sensitive.

Siebel File System. Siebel File System pathname. The specification of the File System path must be valid relative to the machine on which the Siebel Server is installed. For the following server components, you need to append \att to the pathname for this parameter (such as \\w_ichan\fs\att):

Siebel Repository. Name of the Siebel Repository for application configuration information. The default value is Siebel Repository. There can only be one active repository for each database.

Table Owner. Table owner for the Siebel database schema.

Table Owner Password. Database password for the table owner account. This value must be set in order to run Siebel Server components that manipulate objects in the Siebel database schema (that is, the Generate Triggers and Replication Agent components).

Tablespace Name. Tablespace name for the Siebel Database schema tables. This parameter specifies the name of the storage space in which to create the tables for the Siebel database schema. The exact physical meaning of this parameter is database platform-specific. For more information, see the Siebel Server Installation Guide for the operating system you are using to determine if this parameter is supported for your database platform.

Upgrade Component. This parameter is used by Siebel Anywhere to determine which Siebel Anywhere configuration should be version-checked. By default, the value is Siebel HQ Server. On a regional Siebel Server, this value should be changed to Siebel Regional Server.

Virtual IP Address. This is the virtual IP address or virtual host name configured in Resonate Central Dispatch for connection brokering to the Siebel Enterprise Server. If Resonate is not being used in the enterprise, this parameter can be null. You are prompted for the value of this parameter during the configuration of the Siebel Enterprise Server when the first Siebel Server is installed.

 Siebel Server Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. C 
 Published: 18 April 2003