Siebel Server Administration Guide > Siebel Server Components and Parameters > Parameters >

Generic Parameters

This section describes in detail the generic parameters listed in Table 30. Many of these parameters can be set at the Siebel Enterprise Server, Siebel Server, or component levels.

Alert Level. This is the level of logging to the Server Alert File. The value is set to 1 by default, but more detailed information may be specified by setting the parameter to a higher value. Currently, only levels 1 and 2 are supported. Level 1 will send only information about abnormal process and task terminations to the Alert File. Level 2 will send information about every process or task as it exits, whether normally or unexpectedly.

Application Datasource. This parameter specifies the Siebel Application Object Manager default configuration datasource. The value for this parameter will be one of the values listed for the OM—Named Data Source name parameter.

Application Scripting Enabled. This parameter determines if the Siebel Application Object Manager server component can execute a server script. If you flag this to true, scripting dll files are loaded and the application can then execute scripts. The default value for this parameter is true.

Application Shared Mode users directory. This parameter specifies the users directory used in shared mode. Update the value of this parameter if you change the location of the Siebel File System.

Auto Restart. This component can be restarted automatically. This parameter works in conjunction with the Number of Restarts parameter to determine the number of attempts that are made to restart the target component.

Client Uses Session Manager. This parameter indicates whether clients use the session manager (SISNAPI connections).

Compressed File Download. By default, files are downloaded to a client's browser in a compressed form when using Siebel File System Manager. On certain versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, this may result in the renaming of the file. If you want to disable compressed file download, then set this parameter to FALSE for the Application Object Manager that you want this feature to be disabled. Default value is TRUE.

Database Polling Interval (in sec). This parameter is used for the System Management component, Server Request Processor (SRProc). It defines the wait time for SRProc to poll the database again when current polling does not get any requests. This parameter is hidden by default and does not appear in either the Siebel Server Manager GUI or the Siebel Server Manager command-line interface program.

DB Multiplex - Max Number of Shared DB Connections. The Siebel Application Object Manager uses a feature called Connection Pooling to pass client connections to the database. DB Multiplex - Max Number of Shared DB Connections is one of three parameters (the others being DB Multiplex - Min Number of Shared DB Connections and DB Multiplex - Min Number of Dedicated DB Connections) that configure these connections. The DB Multiplex - Max Number of Shared DB Connections parameter configures the maximum number of database connections shared for read-only operations. Generally, this parameter is set to the number of concurrent users divided by ten. A setting of -1 disables this parameter and is the default setting.

DB Multiplex - Min Number of Dedicated DB Connections. The Siebel Application Object Manager uses a feature called Connection Pooling to pass client connections to the database. DB Multiplex - Min Number of Dedicated DB Connections is one of three parameters (the others being DB Multiplex - Min Number of Shared DB Connections and DB Multiplex - Max Number of Shared DB Connections) that configure these connections. The DB Multiplex - Min Number of Dedicated DB Connections parameter configures the minimum number of dedicated, open connections for write operations (write, update, or delete) or any long-running queries. Generally, this parameter is set to the number of concurrent users divided by ten. A setting of -1 disables this parameter and is the default setting.

DB Multiplex - Min Number of Shared DB Connections. The Siebel Application Object Manager uses a feature called Connection Pooling to pass client connections to the database. DB Multiplex - Min Number of Shared DB Connections is one of three parameters (the others being DB Multiplex - Max Number of Shared DB Connections and DB Multiplex - Min Number of Dedicated DB Connections) that configure these connections. The DB Multiplex - Min Number of Shared DB Connections parameter configures the minimum number of database connections shared for read-only operations. Generally, this parameter is set to the number of concurrent users divided by ten. A setting of -1 disables this parameter and is the default setting.

Default Processes. Default number of component processes to start on Siebel Server start-up. This parameter only applies to components that are defined to run in background mode. The processes instantiated during Siebel Server start up connect to the database using the values for the following Siebel Server-level parameters, unless overridden at the component level for any of the background mode components:

Default Tasks. This is the number of processes to start for a background mode component when the component is started explicitly through the Siebel Server Manager, or when the Siebel Server is started (if the component state was last set to Running). Components with a Default Tasks parameter set to a value greater than zero start automatically when the Siebel Server is started.

Error Flags. Flags used for tracing error information. This parameter is used to turn on various types of component-specific error tracing.

Flush Frequency. Flush frequency of information logging output (number of writes between flushes). The default value for this parameter is 0, which indicates that every write to the information log is flushed to the file system. The flush frequency can be set to a higher number if a large amount of information logging is expected for a component task.

Honor MaxTasks. When the parameter value is TRUE, a component process that reaches Max Tasks stops accepting Server Request Manager requests from the Server Request Broker. If another request is sent, an error message results. The process resumes accepting requests after some tasks finish. If the parameter value is FALSE, all requests are queued in the component process.

Language Code. Three-letter language code for the component processes. Translatable messages (including error messages) will be output in the specified language. The translated message files for the language must exist in the locale subdirectory of the Siebel Server installation.

Locale Code. Three letter locale code for the component processes. A locale is a set of rules guiding how common data is displayed to the user or is received from the user. Siebel eBusiness applications support formatting of data, such as dates, time, numbers, and currency based on locale settings. Locales are administered using the Locale Administration View.

Load Balanced.This component parameter determines whether a particular Application Object Manager registers with Resonate Central Dispatch connection brokering services, and, therefore, is available for load balancing. If this parameter is set to FALSE for a component on a particular Siebel Server, client requests are never routed to the component through the Siebel Gateway; only client requests explicitly directed to the Siebel Server are received. This is an important parameter for troubleshooting and for temporarily removing load balancing on Application Object Managers.

Log Print Timestamp. This parameter specifies whether to print a timestamp on records written to the trace files. The value is set to TRUE by default, but administrators may wish to override it to FALSE for components that perform a large amount of logging (or if a high value is set for the Trace Flags or SQL Trace Flags parameters).

Maximum MT Servers. This is the maximum number of multithreaded Siebel Server processes to be run concurrently for a component that has multithreading enabled. Note that only batch mode and interactive mode components may run with multithreaded set to TRUE. Tasks and client sessions run as threads within the multithreaded Siebel Server processes. The number of tasks that may run in each Siebel Server process is determined by the value of the Maximum Tasks parameter divided by Max MT Servers. You should increase or decrease this value based on the number of users for the given component process.

Maximum Processes. The maximum number of concurrent running processes for a Siebel Server component. The Siebel Server must be restarted in order for any changes to this parameter to take effect.

Maximum Tasks. The maximum number of background mode, batch mode, or interactive mode processes or threads that may run concurrently for a component. This value applies to threads for components that have multi-threading enabled, or otherwise component processes. You should increase or decrease this value based on the number of users for the given component process. This value also determines the number of tasks for each component that will be tracked by the Siebel Server.

NOTE:  Multithreaded Siebel Server processes are not included in the counting of tasks. The tasks run as threads within the multithreaded Siebel Server processes; the multithreaded Siebel Server processes are guided by the Min MT Servers and Max MT Servers parameters.

Min MT Servers. The default number of multithreaded Siebel Server processes that are started for a component that has multithreading enabled. These processes are brought up when the component is started explicitly through the Siebel Server Manager, or when the Siebel Server is started (if the component state was last set to Running). Additional multithreaded Siebel Server processes will be started as needed (namely, when the maximum number of threads that may run in a Siebel Server process has been reached), up to the value of the Max MT Servers parameter. Setting this parameter to 0 will disable the component.

Minimum Up Time. Minimum time an MTS or Siebel Server-mode component needs to up for a restart to be successful (in seconds). In order for the component restart to be considered successful, the component must be running for the duration specified by this parameter. This parameter works with the Number of Restarts parameter to determine the number of restart attempts in a time interval allowed for a component (NumRestart * MinUpTime). If a component instance cannot be restarted after this time interval, no new restart will be attempted (the component instance will not be running). The default value for this parameter is 60 seconds.

Multithreaded. Specifies whether the component is multithreaded or multiprocess. This parameter only applies to batch mode and interactive mode components. It is recommended that you use the default value for this parameter, and only change the value under the direct guidance of Siebel Technical Support or Professional Services.

Number of Restarts. Number of times an MTS or Siebel Server-mode component will be restarted if it exited with errors in less than the time set for Minimum Up Time. This parameter works with Auto Restart to determine if MTS or Siebel Server-mode components will be restarted. This parameter also works with the Minimum Up Time parameter to determine the number of restart attempts in a time interval allowed for a component (NumRestart * MinUpTime). If a component instance cannot be restarted after this time interval, no new restart will be attempted (the component instance will not be running). The default value for this parameter is 10.

Number of Retries. Number of retries for recovery. This parameter works with the Retry Interval and Retry Up Time parameters to reconnect MTS or Siebel Server-mode components to the database if database connectivity has been lost.

Number of Sessions per SISNAPI Connection. This parameter specifies how many sessions can be multiplexed (shared) through each SISNAPI connection (connections between the Web server (SWSE) and the Application Object Manager), which helps to reduce the number of open network connections. For sessions to function, the Siebel Server must have the Client Uses Session Manager (alias SessMgrEnabled) parameter set to TRUE. If Number of Sessions per SISNAPI Connection (SessPerSisnConn) is -1 and SessMgrEnabled is TRUE, all the sessions are created through only one SISNAPI connection. The default value for this parameter is 20; however, while 20 is a good value to use for user sessions, it does not apply to incoming HTTP requests from other systems (for example, EAI HTTP Adaptor Access).

OM—Data Source. This parameter specifies the Siebel Application Object Manager datasource in the configuration file.

OM—Named Data Source name. This parameter lists the named subsystems that the Siebel Application Object Manager preloads when it initializes—that is, all the datasources that the Object Manager might use are listed here.

OM—Model Cache Maximum. This parameter determines the size of the cache for model objects in Object Manager-based server components, such as Business Service Manager and Workflow Process Manager. Each model in the cache creates two database connections for the life of the model (one connection for insert, update, and delete operations; the other connection for read-only operations). The model cache improves performance for the object manager server components, and it is generally recommend not to disable this parameter. The default value is 10. A value of 0 disables this parameter, and the maximum setting for this parameter is 100.

OM—Preload SRF Data. This parameter determines whether to preload all Siebel repository file (.srf) information upon startup of a Siebel Object Manager server component. If the value is false (default setting), the Siebel repository file data is loaded only at first task or Web client connection request, which can delay the startup page.

OM—Resource Language Code. This parameter specifies the language code used for Siebel Application Object Manager resource DLLs. Each language has its own three-letter code identifier—for example, ENU identifies U.S. English.

Password. Database user password. This parameter specifies the password for the account referenced by the User Name parameter (both are prompted for during the Siebel Server installation process). The User Name and Password parameters are used to connect to the database for Siebel Update version checking, auto start up of background mode components (see the description for the Auto Startup Mode parameter), and Synchronization Server processes.

Recycle Factor. This parameter allows an alternate method to managing resources through the use of a rolling shutdown and restart of component processes. The Siebel server components, however, do not require the recycling of processes. Use this parameter to troubleshoot your application only if excessive memory usage created by memory leaks appears to exist. The Recycle Factor parameter is a hidden parameter.

Request ID. Specifies the request ID number.

Retry Interval. Defines the time interval before a series of retries are made for recovery. This parameter works with the Number of Retries and Retry Up Time parameters to reconnect MTS or Siebel Server-mode components to the database if database connectivity has been lost.

Retry Up Time. Minimum up-time for a new set of retries for recovery. This parameter works with the Number of Retries and Retry Interval parameters to reconnect MTS or Siebel Server-mode components to the database if database connectivity has been lost.

SISNAPI—Log Traffic. This parameter specifies whether Siebel Application Object Manager records a log of all Siebel Internet Session API (application programming interface) messages. SISNAPI is a session-based remote procedure call (RPC) designed to support high responsiveness between the Siebel Server and client applications.

Sleep Time. Time to sleep between iterations (in seconds). This parameter is used for the sleep time of component processes running in background mode when the Siebel Server is idle.

SQL Trace Flags. Flags for tracing of SQL statements. If this parameter is set to 1, every SQL statement issued by the component tasks will be logged to the information log file for each task. If this parameter is set to 2, each SQL statement will be logged in addition to information about the number of parse, execute, and fetch calls, and timing information about each type of call.

Static Port Number. The network port number on which the component listens for client requests. If no value is specified, a unique port number is generated dynamically per component starting at port number 49150 and up depending on the number of components configured and the occupied ports above this number. This parameter applies only to interactive mode, batch mode, and session mode components. The port number, whether static or dynamic, is hidden from the end user and is provided primarily so that administrators can fix the port numbers used by the component for firewall configuration. If configuring this parameter, select a port number either below 49150 or high enough to make sure there are no conflicts with dynamically generated port numbers.

Trace Flags. Flags for component-specific tracing information. This parameter is used to turn on various types of component-specific tracing. See the chapters describing the individual Siebel Server components for a description of how to set this parameter for each component.

User IP Address. Specifies if the SISNAPI connect strings should be constructed using the IP address instead of the hostname. Default value is TRUE. Changing the value to FALSE affects performance because the hostname must be looked up each time it connects.

Use Private TCP Port. This parameter is required for round-robin scheduling of Server Request Manager requests to component processes by the Server Request Broker. Never change the value of this parameter from the default value of TRUE. This parameter is hidden by default and does not appear in either the Siebel Server Manager GUI or the Siebel Server Manager command-line interface program.

Use Shared Log Files. This parameter specifies whether all tasks within a component process should log to a shared file. When set to FALSE, one log file per task is generated.

User Name. Database user name. This parameter specifies the user name of the database account that is used by the Siebel Server or Siebel Server components that are not started interactively or in batch mode by the Siebel Server Manager. The password for this database account must be specified by the Password parameter (both are prompted for during the Siebel Server installation process). The User Name and Password parameters are used to connect to the database for Siebel Update version checking, auto start up of background mode components (see the description for the Auto Startup Mode parameter described earlier), and Synchronization Server processes. When running component tasks from the Server Manager GUI, the value for the User Name parameter is used because the tasks are submitted as component requests and launched using the Server Request Broker server component (SRBroker), which uses the User Name parameter value. When running component tasks from the Server Manager command-line interface—in the case of manually started batch or background mode components—the User Name parameter is that of the user who starts tasks on these components.

 Siebel Server Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. C 
 Published: 18 April 2003