Siebel Tools Reference > Configuring the Customer Dashboard > Understanding the Customer Dashboard >


The dashboard is implemented as a separate frame and view below the application toolbar and above the base view. It is based on a virtual business component called Persistent Customer Dashboard, which is associated with the Persistent Customer Dashboard business object. The objects in the Siebel repository that are related to the customer dashboard are:

The method used for updating the dashboard is UpdateDashboard. If you want to configure to update the dashboard from a button you would use the InvokeMethod function and pass a set of name-value pairs such as:

See Using Siebel VB Script and eScript for more information.

Upon receiving the arguments, the member functions go through the set of fields configured to be displayed and populate the dashboard after retrieving the data from the database.

 Siebel Tools Reference, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003