Siebel Tools Reference > Special Behavior Supported by Templates > Image Support >

Configuring Images as Bitmap Objects

The Bitmap object in Tools supports image formats used in Web Applications like JPEG and GIF. The Bitmap object has an attribute called "File Name." To configure a gif or a jpeg image in Tools, create a new Bitmap object and set its "File Name" attribute to the file name of the image file. When setting the image name assume that the images will be published in a folder named "images" under the public folder of the application. For images that are published within subfolders in the image folder, include the subfolder in the image name.


SWE will render the bitmap object using the HTML <img> tag. The "Height" and "Width" attributes of the Bitmap object can be set to the height and width of the image that you want to display on the Web page. If these attributes are set, SWE will use them as "width" and "height" attributes of the <img> tag. This allows the creation of various bitmap objects that share the same image file, but are rendered with different dimensions. The Bitmap object has another new attribute called "Alt Text." This attribute can be set to the text to be used in the "alt" attribute of the image tag. The other attributes of the Bitmap Object like "Data" and "Transparent Color" are not used with Web Images.

SWE supports the use of these bitmap objects in various places like:

SWE also has a feature where the images are published from the Siebel server to the Web servers. Instead of being installed on the Web server, the image files are installed on the Siebel server like the template files. These files are then automatically published to all the Web servers that connect to the Siebel server.

You can configure your Bitmap objects so that the images are published to the public_language/images folder at runtime


language = the Siebel code for the Language Pack you have installed.

See Associating Images With Siebel Objects for more information about using the Bitmap object type.

 Siebel Tools Reference, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003