Siebel Tools Reference > Logical User Interface Objects Configuration > Defining Applets >

Editing the Web Layout of Applets

The Web Layout Editor helps ensure visually accurate and correctly translated configurations by providing a design-time preview of the applet in a variety of modes and with various language settings.

The Web Layout Editor allows you to use either the Controls/Columns window or the Web Controls toolbar to add controls and list columns to the applet layout. For more information, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

The Web Layout Editor also allows you to preview the applet as it would be rendered at runtime.

NOTE:  After you create an applet using the Applet Wizard, the Web Layout Editor automatically opens.

To use the Web Layout Editor to modify the layout of an applet

  1. Select a Target Browser from the drop-down list in the Configuration Context toolbar, if you have not already done so.
  2. If you do not select a browser, you get an error message when you invoke the Web Layout Editor.

  3. Select an applet in the Object List Editor.
  4. Right-click, and then choose Web Layout Editor. (Alternatively, you can choose View > Editors > Web Applet Editor.)
  5. If an applet Web template does not already exist for the applet you selected, a dialog box appears saying "This applet does not have any associated Web template, do you want to associate one using the Applet Wizard?" Select Yes to activate the Web Layout-General dialog box of the Applet Wizard. See Defining List Applets or Defining Form Applets for more information.

    The Applet Web Template (Base) - Layout window appears.

    Click for full size image

  6. Add controls to the template by dragging and dropping them from the Controls/Columns window.
  7. You can also add controls by dragging and dropping from the Web Controls toolbar, including custom controls such as Minibuttons and PositionOnRow. You can move controls around in the template by dragging and dropping them, or by using the Shift to previous placeholder and Shift to next placeholder buttons on the Web Controls toolbar.

  8. Add text list columns and check box list columns by dragging and dropping them from the Column/Controls window.
  9. You can also add list columns by dragging and dropping from the Text List Column and Checkbox List Column controls on the Web Controls toolbar. You do not have to create List Column grandchild objects of the applet first.

  10. Edit column and control display names by double-clicking them, highlighting their names, and then typing new text.
  11. This will change the Display Name property for list columns and the Caption property for controls after your changes are saved.

  12. To display a control only when the Show more button has been clicked, select the control, right-click it, and then choose More.
  13. The control appears in the layout with outlined arrows to the left of its caption and field.

  14. Preview the Web layout by right-clicking, and then selecting Preview.
  15. Export the preview to an HTML file by choosing File > Export, and then choosing a file name and location in the Save As dialog box that appears.
  16. Validate that controls and list columns are mapped to placeholders in the Web template by right-clicking and selecting Check Mappings.
  17. If a control or list column is not mapped to a placeholder, you are prompted to delete it from the Web template. This may occur when a control or list column object has been deleted from the repository, but still appears on the Web template. Or it may occur when a new Web template is associated with an applet, and the existing placeholder IDs for controls or list columns do not exist in the new template.

  18. Save your changes to the Web Layout by choosing File > Save.
  19. After you save your changes to the Web layout, List Column objects for your new columns and check boxes and Control objects for your new controls are created. You can then fill in their properties, such as Field and Name, using the Properties window.

 Siebel Tools Reference, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003