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Moving Object Definitions Between Projects

To move an object definition between two projects

  1. Check out both projects to your local database.
  2. Change the Project property of the object definition you intend to move, so that it reflects the name of the new project.
  3. Check in both projects together.
  4. CAUTION:  Failure to check in both projects at the same time can leave the repository in an inconsistent state.

  5. Inform other developers that they must do a simultaneous get of the two projects prior to doing any subsequent work on the object definition in either project.

NOTE:  If you delete an object from a particular project, and then re-create it with the same name in another project, this has the same effect as moving the object between projects. Therefore, you should take the same precautions.

In general, you should not delete object definitions. Deleting objects might cause parts of your application not to work. If you do not want to use an object, you should set the value of its Inactive property to TRUE.

 Siebel Tools Reference, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003