Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Accessing Analytics Through Siebel Applications >

Creating a Dedicated Repository

The repository shipped with this release (SiebelAnalytics.rpd) contains a large number of presentation layer subject areas. You are licensed to use only a subset of these subject areas, and the remaining material is unnecessary to your needs. The Siebel Analytics Server Administration Tool feature Import from repository is a way for you to reduce the size of the .rpd file. Anything not required by the subject areas you license is absent from the new, smaller repository you create. For example, if you are using only Service, all the Pharma subject area material is not imported. The relevant Analytics subject areas for Siebel eBusiness Applications and Siebel Industry Applications are listed in Customizing a Siebel Analytics Application.

Trimming the repository improves performance.

To import subject areas into a new, dedicated repository

  1. Create a new, empty repository.
  2. Choose File > Import from repository and point to the repository SiebelAnalytics.rpd.
  3. From the Presentation layer, choose the subject areas that you licensed.
  4. At the Objects to Update screen, choose the objects to be updated.

    The drop down list at the top of the window shows you the categories of objects that you can update—Catalogs, Users, Groups and Variables. The left pane shows you the objects in the category you selected. To refresh the display, click the Refresh button.

  5. In the left pane, select the objects within that category that you want to update.

    You can select multiple objects by SHIFT-clicking to select adjacent objects, or CONTROL-clicking to select non-adjacent objects.

    Depending on the category of object you selected, different buttons allow you to specify how you want objects added:

    • When you choose the Catalogs category, the presentation catalogs are displayed in the left pane and the Add with Children button becomes active.
      • Click the Add with Children button to add the presentation catalogs to the right pane.

        Presentation catalogs are always added with all their child objects. All associated objects, from the Presentation Layer to the Physical Layer, are updated or synchronized.
    • When you choose the Groups category, you can:
      • Click the Add button to update or synchronize only the group.
      • Click the Add with Children button to update or synchronize the group and all the groups that are below it in the group hierarchy.
      • Click the Add with Parents button to update or synchronize the group and all groups that are above it in the group hierarchy. (You can view group hierarchies from the Security Manager.)
    • When you choose the Variables category, the defined system and session variables are displayed in the left pane. You can:
      • Click the Add button to update or synchronize only the variable.
      • Click the Add with Parents button to update or synchronize the variables and any parent variables on which they depend.
  6. After you have selected the objects, click the appropriate button to add the object to the right pane.

    Objects in the right pane are the objects that are to be imported. You can remove an object from the right pane by clicking on it and then clicking the Remove button. You can select multiple objects to remove by shift-clicking or control-clicking on them as appropriate.

  7. When you are finished, click Next to continue.

 Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004