Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing Siebel Analytics Software in the Windows Environment >

Changing the Siebel Analytics Default ASP Page

After you have installed Siebel Analytics, the browser may not load the default.asp page. Check the Windows Eventvwr system log for an entry that shows:

The server failed to load application '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT'. The error was 'The specified metadata was not found.'

If you have received this error message, you must perform the following procedure.

To change the Siebel Analytics default ASP page

  1. Add the users IUSR_ADMINISTRATOR and IWAM_ADMINISTRATOR to the local administrators group on the Windows server.
  2. Change the directory definition in Internet Services Manager for Analytics and AnalyticsRes:
    1. Under the Application Name parameter, choose Create.
    2. Accept the default name.
    3. Set the Application Protection parameter to Low (IIS Process).

 Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004