Siebel Analytics Message Reference > Siebel Analytics Messages >

Query Execution Messages

This category contains message numbers 59xxx.


@1%s operation is not permitted on @2%s operand(s).

Cause.  The specified SQL function does not take an operand of the specified type. This may be the result of an internal error, or a mismatch between the Physical Layer of the repository and the source database.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


@1%s operation is not supported on @2%s operand(s).

Cause.  The specified SQL function contains an invalid data type for the specified operand (such as TRIM, SUM).

Response.  Review the SQL statement or the repository definitions, and correct any problems. Retry the action. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The data type @1%s is not supported.

Cause.  The SQL function contains an invalid data type.

Response.  Review the SQL statement or the repository definitions, and correct any problems. Retry the action. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The requested @1%s extract operation is not supported.

Cause.  The named Calendar extract function contains an unsupported operand.

Response.  Review the SQL statement or the repository definitions, and correct any problems. Retry the action. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The requested trim style is not supported.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The length operand @1%d of the SubString operator must be greater than zero.

Cause.  The specified length operand is zero or a negative number.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Divide by Zero occurred during execution.

Cause.  The SQL statement contains an expression where the divisor is zero.

Response.  Review the SQL statement or the repository definitions, and correct any problems. Retry the action. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The square root of a negative value: @1%f is not allowed.

Cause.  The SQRT function was evaluated on a negative number. This is not allowed.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The argument for the function @1%s is outside the domain over which the function is defined.

Cause.  The SQL statement is invalid. The named function was passed an illegal value during execution.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


OverFlow occurred during the execution of @1%s.

Cause.  The SQL statement is invalid. The named math function experienced a runtime error.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


UnderFlow occurred during the execution of @1%s.

Cause.  The SQL statement is invalid. The named math function experienced a runtime error.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The operation @1%s on @2%s operand is causing loss of data.

Cause.  A CAST operation is attempting to convert data into a datatype that is too small to hold the data. The query was terminated in order to prevent data corruption.

Response.  Change the CAST operation to convert data into an appropriately sized datatype.


The requested column does not exist in this table.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The requested column @1%s does not exist in this table.

Cause.  The SQL statement may be incorrect or an internal error may have occurred.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The filter expression can be a conditional expression only.

Cause.  The filter expression is expected to return a Boolean data type.

Response.  Correct the filter expression. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


An error occurred while performing a DateTime conversion.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


All of the input streams to the sorter should have an identical number of columns and data types.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


All of the input streams to the Union operator should have an identical number of columns and union compatible data types.

Cause.  An internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


All of the possible results of a CASE expression should have union compatible data types.

Cause.  The SQL statement is invalid. It contains an invalid CASE expression.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


CASE conditional expressions have mismatching data types.

Cause.  The SQL statement is invalid. The WHEN clauses of the CASE expression are not union-compatible.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The data type @1%s is not supported in a case expression.

Cause.  The SQL statement is invalid. The CASE expression is incorrect.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The number of WHEN expressions in a case statement is more than the number of THEN/ELSE expressions.

Cause.  The SQL statement is invalid. The CASE expression is incorrect.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The aggregate @1%s can only work on a single column.

Cause.  The SQL statement may be incorrect or an internal error may have occurred.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The escape character operand of the LIKE operator can have only one character.

Cause.  The LIKE operator accepts a single character as input for the escape character. The SQL statement LIKE operator contains multiple escape characters.

Response.  Rewrite the SQL statement to use a single escape character.


The Execution Engine encountered an internal error in the module @1%s.

Cause.  An unknown internal error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


NTile, TopN, BottomN and Mavg require a positive integer for the N value.

Cause.  The second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement does not evaluate to a positive numeric value.

Response.  Change the second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a positive numeric value and resubmit the query.


The Trim character expression must be a single character.

Cause.  The SQL statement is invalid. The character to be trimmed does not evaluate to a single character.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action.


Illegal data type conversion from source type: @1%s to target type: @2%s.

Cause.  The SQL statement may be incorrect or an internal error may have occurred.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


A query cannot contain multiple instances of TopN or BottomN.

Cause.  The query contains two or more instances of the TopN or BottomN aggregate functions.

Response.  Modify the query to contain no more than one TopN or BottomN aggregation function.


The Case expression cannot be a NULL literal.

Cause.  The SQL statement is invalid. The first expression in the CASE statement is a NULL literal.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action.


At least one of the result expressions of CASE must be a non-NULL literal.

Cause.  The SQL statement is invalid. Every WHEN clause of the CASE statement returns NULL.

Response.  Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action.


A Drive Table join exceeded the limit of @1%d backend database queries.

Cause.  The query reached the maximum allowable number of physical database queries for a Drive Table join without completing.

Response.  Increase the maximum limit for queries in Drive Table joins as specified in the database features table. If this degrades performance beyond acceptable limits, disable the Drive Table join hint in the repository.


The Derived Tables feature is not compatible with the SQL89 Column Alias Conformance feature.

Cause.  Column aliases are inhibited, but the derived table feature is still enabled in the features table.

Response.  Do not inhibit column aliases. If column aliases must be inhibited, the derived table feature must be turned off in the features table.


The resulting SQL statement exceeded the maximum statement length of @1%d.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server attempted to submit a query to a backend database, but the number of characters in the query exceeded the defined limit.

Response.  If you manually set the statement length, try increasing the maximum SQL statement length in the features table. If you are using a CASE statement and the features table supports CASE LOOKUP and not CASE IF, disable CASE LOOKUP. If possible, reduce the number of expressions in your SQL statement.


Job Accounting activity stopped due to error encountered accessing a Job Accounting data file.

Cause.  Siebel Analytics Server could not access the usage tracking data files. The storage path may be invalid, the storage device holding these files may have no more available space, or the device may have corrupted or faulty media. The files may also be inaccessible due to changes in data path security.

Response.  Depending on the cause, take the appropriate action. For example, free up space on the storage device, replace the corrupted device or faulty media, or change the security for the storage path. You may also change or correct the specified storage path, and then restart the Siebel Analytics Server. The full path to the directory used to store usage tracking files is specified by the STORAGE_DIRECTORY parameter in the Usage Tracking section of the NQSConfig.ini file.


Query statistics logging stopped due to error accessing file @1%s.

Cause.  The storage directory for the Server Query Statistics subsystem may be invalid, the directory or file may be inaccessible, or there may be no more space available on the storage device.

Response.  Review the STORAGE_DIRECTORY parameter in the Usage Tracking section of the NQSConfig.ini file and verify that the directory exists and is writable. Verify that there is sufficient disk space on the specified storage device. After correcting any problems, restart the Siebel Analytics Server.


The Query Statistics file must be non-zero bytes in size.

Cause.  The file size specified in the NQSConfig.ini file for the Server Query Statistics log parameters has been defined as zero bytes.

Response.  Modify the FILE_SIZE parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file to be a non-zero number of bytes and restart the Siebel Analytics Server.


The code page @1%s for Server Query Statistics is not valid.

Cause.  Statistics subsystem is not valid.

Response.  Modify the CODE_PAGE parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file to be a valid Siebel Analytics code page and restart the Siebel Analytics Server.


The code page @1%s for Usage Tracking is not valid.

Cause.  The code page specified in the NQSConfig.ini file for the Usage Tracking subsystem is not valid.

Response.  Modify the CODE_PAGE parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file to be a valid Siebel Analytics code page and restart the Siebel Analytics Server.


The code page @1%s for User Logging is not valid.

Cause.  The code page specified in the NQSConfig.ini file for the User Log subsystem is not valid.

Response.  Modify the CODE_PAGE parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file to be a valid Siebel Analytics code page and restart the Siebel Analytics Server.


Unable to generate SQL for @1%s to Cast to the data type @2%s.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server attempted to generate a SQL statement for the indicated backend database. However, this system does not support the conversion of data to the indicated data type.

Response.  Modify the query to Cast to a supported data type.

 Siebel Analytics Message Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003