Siebel Analytics Message Reference > Siebel Analytics Messages >

Siebel Analytics Scheduler Messages

This category contains message numbers 66xxx - 68xxx.


Failed to create the ActiveX scripting engine.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to set the IActiveScriptSite interface for the ActiveX scripting engine.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Script engine does not support the IActiveScriptParse interface.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to initialize the ActiveX scripting engine.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to make the scheduler object available in the ActiveX scripting engine.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to make Siebel Script Engine library available in the script.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot load the script.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Script is already running!

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred. The script may already be running.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not run the script.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to cancel the running script.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to retrieve error information.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


[Line:? Column:?]

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


[Line:@1%ld Column:@2%ld]

Cause.  An error occurred during execution of a job script.

Response.  See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional job script information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Line in the source file could not be retrieved.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Error reading file: @1%s

Cause.  The named file could not be read. The file may not exist or the associated permissions may be incorrect.

Response.  Verify that the named file is available and can be accessed successfully before retrying the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unknown error code `0x@1%X`.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to create ADO Connection object.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to create ADO Recordset object.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to hook up connection events.

Cause.  n internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to create an event object.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to create a new process.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Failed to wait for process.

Cause.  An internal script engine error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


No script engine supported for `@1%s`.

Cause.  The supplied script type is not supported. Use either JScript or VBScript.

Response.  See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional job script information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Script was cancelled.

Cause.  The script was cancelled.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Script has timed out.

Cause.  The running script exceeded its maximum run time setting and timed out before completion.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to increase the maximum run time setting for the job. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Script is not running.

Cause.  A cancel was issued to an instance when the job script was not running.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


The Siebel recordset is not open.

Cause.  A call was issued on a Siebel recordset before the Open method was called.

Response.  Modify the job script so that Open is called.


An unsupported file format was given.

Cause.  A call was issued to OpenTextFile and the given FileFormatEnum is not supported.

Response.  Modify the job script so that a proper file format is used.


An unsupported IOMode was given.

Cause.  A call was issued to OpenTextFile and the given IOModeEnum is not supported.

Response.  Modify the job script so that a proper IO mode is used.


The TextStream object was not created with a given IOMode of nqFileForReading.

Cause.  The Read method of a TextStream object was called, but it was not created with nqFileForReading.

Response.  Modify the job script so that a proper IO mode is used.


The TextStream object was not created with a given IOMode of nqFileForWriting or nqFileForAppending.

Cause.  The Write method of a TextStream object was called, but it was not created with nqFileForWriting or nqFileForAppending.

Response.  Modify the job script so that a proper IO mode is used.


The job script has invalid number of parameters.

Cause.  The job script has invalid number of parameters.

Response.  Modify the job script to provide all the necessary parameters.


The user does not have the privilege to schedule and run jobs for other users.

Cause.  Only administrator can schedule and run jobs for other users.

Response.  Use the administrator privileges to schedule and run jobs for other users.


Invalid End Date/Time.

Cause.  A recurrent trigger has an invalid end date/time setting.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the end date and time settings before retrying the job. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid Begin Date/Time.

Cause.  A trigger has an invalid begin date/start time setting.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the begin date and start time settings before retrying the job. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Interval Minutes Must be greater than 0.

Cause.  The number of minutes between subsequent executions is not set or is not valid.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the Interval in Minutes setting for the recurrent job before retrying the job. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Registry value for @1%s not set.

Cause.  The named registry value is not set. The Siebel Analytics Scheduler configuration settings may be invalid or incomplete.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct or complete the Siebel Analytics Scheduler configuration settings. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Days interval must be greater than 0.

Cause.  The job trigger is set to daily, but the number of days between subsequent executions is not set or is invalid.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct or complete the Days Interval setting before retrying the job. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Error when removing job @1%i instance %.14G.

Cause.  An internal error occurred when an attempt was made to remove the specified job instance.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid instance filter type.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Cannot instantiate more than one SchJobManager.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The job has running instances.

Cause.  Instances of the job are currently running.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Cannot find job id @1%i.

Cause.  The specified job cannot be located. The job ID may be incorrect.

Response.  Verify the accuracy of the job ID before attempting to retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Instance did not complete.

Cause.  An unknown error caused the failure of the job instance to complete successfully.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Invalid job filter type.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid job sort by type.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Log file was not initialized.

Cause.  The log file failed to initialize. There may be insufficient space on the disk, or the network may be unavailable.

Response.  Verify that there is sufficient disk space and that the path is accessible. The full path name must be specified in the Qualified Log File Name field in the Job Manager. By default, this path is set to NQScheduler.log in the Log directory in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. For example, on a Windows machine, $(Siebel_dir)\Log\NQScheduler.log, where $(Siebel_dir) is the location in which the Siebel Analytics software is installed. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid monthly date trigger.

Cause.  The trigger is invalid.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger setting. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid month range.

Cause.  The trigger is invalid.

Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger setting. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid days of the week range.

Cause.  The trigger is invalid.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger setting. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid occurrence for Monthly DOW.

Cause.  The trigger is invalid.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger setting. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid monthly DOW trigger.

Cause.  The trigger is invalid.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger setting. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Exceeded max concurrent instances.

Cause.  A long running job attempted an overlapping execution that exceeded the maximum allowable concurrent instances.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to adjust the Maximum Concurrent Instances field. To allow any number of concurrent instances, set this value to zero. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unknown error in primary run loop.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Unknown critical error. Fatal.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not create waitable timer.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not create reset event.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not create shutdown event.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not create pause event.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not create Continue event.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not set waitable timer.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Wait failed.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid Trigger Type.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Error reading file @1%s.

Cause.  The named file could not be read. The file may not exist or the associated permissions may be incorrect.

Response.  Verify that the named file is available and can be accessed successfully before retrying the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Weeks interval must be greater than 0.

Cause.  A weekly trigger is specified, but the Weeks Interval field is invalid or not set.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to set the Weeks Interval field, which specifies the weeks between executions. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Invalid Job Trigger. Either you tried to schedule the job in the past, or you provided an invalid Begin/End range for your trigger type.

Cause.  The job trigger is invalid.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


You must specify a User ID for a job.

Cause.  The job properties are invalid because the user ID has not been specified.

Response.  Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job properties by specifying a valid user ID in the UserID field. See the Siebel Analytics Scheduler Guide for additional information.


The Windows system call GetTimeZoneInformation() failed. Make certain that you have a time zone properly specified for your system.

Cause.  Your system may not have a time zone specified.

Response.  Set the time zone using the Windows Date/Time Properties dialog before retrying the action.


Error encountered in primary loop.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


An error occurred that was so detrimental that the scheduler was unnaturally shut down.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred, resulting in an abnormal Scheduler shutdown.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The scheduler is already paused.

Cause.  A request to pause the Siebel Analytics Scheduler was received, but the Scheduler is already paused.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


The scheduler is not paused.

Cause.  A request was made to take an action (such as resume Scheduler) that requires the Scheduler to be in a paused state, but the Scheduler is not paused.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Too many errors occurred in the underlying timing mechanism.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


The previous error repeated @1%i times.

Cause.  A previous error has been repeated the specified number of times.

Response.  Review the NQScheduler.log to locate the previous error. Take the appropriate action based on that error.


The Scheduler Configuration is incorrect.

Cause.  The Scheduler either has not been configured or has been configured incorrectly.

Response.  Review the configuration through the Job Manager.


No file was specified in the Job Script field.

Cause.  A job was submitted that did not specify a Job Script.

Response.  Populate the Job Script field and resubmit the job.


Couldn't open service manager.

Cause.  An internal error occurred associated with the Scheduler service.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Couldn't create service.

Cause.  An internal error occurred associated with the Scheduler service.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Couldn't open service.

Cause.  An internal error occurred associated with the Scheduler service.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Service could not be deleted.

Cause.  An internal error occurred associated with the Scheduler service.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not open the event log.

Cause.  The event log could not be opened. There may be insufficient disk space, or the file may not exist.

Response.  Verify that there is sufficient disk space and that the file exists. By default, the NQScheduler.log file is in the Log directory, in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not set the event message file.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler service error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not set the supported types.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler service error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Scheduler Error: @1%s

Cause.  An internal Scheduler service error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Handler not installed.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Scheduler installation may not be complete or the installation is corrupted.

Response.  If the installation was completed successfully, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Service stopped.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Scheduler service has been stopped.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Bad service request.

Cause.  An internal error occurred associated with the Siebel Analytics Scheduler service.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Bad server configuration - Siebel Analytics Scheduler Service shutting down.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Scheduler service is not correctly configured.

Response.  Review the configuration of the Siebel Analytics Scheduler service and correct any errors. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Service started.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Scheduler service started successfully.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required.


Server failed to startup - check server log for details. Scheduler Service shutting down.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Scheduler service shut down because the server failed to start.

Response.  Review the information in the log file for additional details about the error. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Service stopped.

Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Scheduler service stopped successfully because the server stopped.

Response.  This is an informational message. No action is required. If this action is unexpected, review the server log files for additional information. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


An unknown Siebel Analytics Scheduler server error occurred in @1%s. Contact Siebel Systems technical support.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler service error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


Could not read from IByteStream. Contact Siebel Systems technical support.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler service error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.


An Invalid enumeration handle was passed to the Scheduler server.

Cause.  An internal Scheduler service error occurred.

Response.  Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.

 Siebel Analytics Message Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003