Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Analytics Web Security >

Web Groups and Session Variables

If the Analytics server is using an external table or LDAP server for authentication, you must configure system session variables in the repository.

A session variable block contains the SQL statement that is issued when each session begins. This block can contain system session variables with fixed meanings (such as USER, GROUP, DISPLAYNAME, and WEBGROUP) and other non-system session variables unique to your particular environment. See Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional information about using session variables.

You should also create a Web group to match each possible value returned in the GROUP or WEBGROUPS variable for which you want to control privileges and permissions to Siebel Analytics Web components and requests.

GROUP Session Variable

The GROUP variable contains one or more group names, separated by semicolons, that are also used by the Analytics server for security and content filtering. In many cases, these same groups will be sufficient to control access to Siebel Analytics Web content. Siebel Analytics applications have been preconfigured to use this GROUP variable technique to inherit group memberships from the Analytics server.

WEBGROUPS Session Variable

The WEBGROUPS session variable allows greater flexibility because you can define Web Groups that categorize the roles, or classes, of Web users. For example, you might create the following groups:

Setting Permissions and Privileges

When you have set up the Web Groups, create a catalog folder structure and assign appropriate privileges and permissions to each group. Keep in mind that each user can be associated with multiple roles by being a member of multiple Web Groups. Although WEBGROUPS can be used to control access to catalog content (permissions), usually GROUP will control content and WEBGROUPS will control the ability to perform actions (privileges).

NOTE:  Some GROUPs may not have corresponding Web content. In this case, when you create the group, you can delete the group folder created for the group in the /Shared folder, and give the group permission to the other group folders and Subject Area folders as appropriate (see Administering the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog. for more information).

For more information about the sequence in which to set up security, see Guidelines for Setting Up Security in the Web Catalog and Dashboards.

For more information about permissions, see About Setting Permissions.

For more information about privileges, see About Setting Privileges.

 Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003