Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Administering the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog >

Copying and Pasting Content Between Web Catalogs

This section describes how to move content between Web Catalogs.

Web Catalogs are structured in hierarchical folders. When copying or merging items, remember to also copy any items that are associated with them, such as dashboard folders, request links, and requests. URL paths may need to be re-established after a copy or merge operation if the entire folder path is not copied, for example, if added to the dashboard as a link or text.

NOTE:  If you want to upgrade your existing Web Catalog with a newer version received from Siebel Systems, see Updating the Web Catalog to a Newer Version.

To copy and paste content between Web Catalogs

  1. Make backup copies of both Web Catalogs.
  2. Choose File > Open from the Analytics Catalog Manager toolbar and select the first Web Catalog to open.
  3. This should be the Web Catalog that you want to change. The name of the Web Catalog that you opened appears in the title bar.

    TIP:  It is recommended that you first open the Web Catalog that you want to change. If the catalogs have the same name, rename the second catalog before opening it.

  4. Using the same instance of Analytics Catalog Manager, choose Choose File > Open from the Analytics Catalog Manager toolbar, and then select the second Web Catalog to open.
  5. This should be the Web Catalog that contains the content you want to copy.

    A second instance of Analytics Catalog Manager opens. The name of the second Web Catalog appears in the title bar of the second instance.

  6. If necessary, reposition both instances of Analytics Catalog Manager on your screen so you can clearly see the title bars of both Analytics Catalog Manager instances.
  7. To view the items that you can work with, expand the tree structure in the left pane, or double-click an item in the right pane.
  8. To copy content, highlight the source item in the source (second) Web Catalog and choose Edit > Copy. Then, highlight the corresponding target item in the target (first) Web Catalog and choose Edit > Paste.
  9. You can also use drag-and-drop to copy and paste content.

 Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003