Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Administering the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog >

Moving a Web Catalog to Another System

This procedure explains how to move an existing Web Catalog to another Analytics installation.

To move an existing Web Catalog to another system

  1. Stop the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
  2. NOTE:  When Analytics Web is installed on a Microsoft IIS web server, the server creates temporary files for its web caching capability in a location specified by the Microsoft IIS installation. If the Analytics Server is stopped before the Analytics Web server, these temporary files usually remain, consuming disk space.

  3. Stop these other services:
  4. Verify successful shutdown by checking that the latest modified Web Catalog file is the original Web Catalog file (it has a .webcat extension), and not a backup file (an nnn.autosave extension).
  5. Copy the original Web Catalog file to the appropriate location on the new system.
  6. Optionally, you can also copy the version file (a .version extension).

  7. Restart the services.

NOTE:  If you do not want to stop the services, you can copy the related Web Catalog files to the appropriate location on the new system. This includes the original Web Catalog file (.webcat extension), the Version file (.version extension), and the Web Catalog backup files (nnn.autosave extensions).

 Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003