Applications Administration Guide > Audit Trail >

Specifying Audit Trail Restrictions

You can restrict who gets audited by user, position, or responsibility.

For example, if you set the Restriction Type to "Users" on the Audit Trail Buscomp Fields view, you then go to the Audit Trail Users View and add the users whom you want to audit. Restriction by responsibility or position works in the same way.

To restrict by user

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Audit Trail Administration > Audit Trail.
  2. Click the User tab.
  3. Select a business component entry in the Audit Trail Buscomp list.
  4. Change the Restriction Type field to User.
  5. Select the Audit Trail User list and add records.

    Only these users will be audited for the operations on this particular business component.

To restrict by position

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Audit Trail Administration > Audit Trail.
  2. Click the Position tab.
  3. Select a business component entry in the Audit Trail Buscomp list.
  4. Change the Restriction Type field to Position.
  5. Select the Audit Trail Position list, and add records.

    Only these positions will be audited for this particular business component.

To restrict by responsibility

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Audit Trail Administration > Audit Trail.
  2. Click the Responsibility tab.
  3. Select a business component entry in the Audit Trail Buscomp list.
  4. Change the Restriction Type field to Responsibility.
  5. Select the Audit Trail Responsibility list and add records.

    Only these responsibilities will be audited for this particular business component.

 Applications Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004