A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V



Activities screen, using to track sales steps  1

administrators, about maintaining employees and stores  1

audience for guide  1

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Budget screen

sales manager budget, using to create  1

store budget, using to create  1


See also The Dealer Creates Sales Budgets and Forecasts

employees, specifying which employees to include in budget  1

framework, creating for  1

months, specifying which to include  1

sales manager budget, creating  1

store budget, creating  1

store budget, viewing by employees  1

yearly budget, about creating and process  1

Budgets and Forecasts Administration screen, about using to create frameworks  1

business hours, entering and displaying  1

buyer's worksheet

about and process of creating  1

printing  1

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car makes, entering that a dealer sells  1

communication, follow-up communication by dealers  1

Contacts screen

customer, about activities working with  1

forms, using to print  1

sales steps, about working with  1

credit appraisal form

about and process of creating  1

printing  1


No Activity After Sales Stage Rule, about using to contact customer  1

sales consultant, activities working with  1

sales consultant, assigning to  1

Vehicle Sales Anniversary rule, about using to contact customer  1

Vehicle Sales Follow-up rule, about using to contact  1

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dealer company

creating, about  1

vehicle, assigning to  1


dealer general manager

budgets and forecasts, creating framework for  1

forecasts, about creating and process of  1

forecasts, about creating framework  1

forms, about creating and process of  1

forms, printing  1

sales manager budget, creating  1

sales steps creating  1

store budget, creating  1

store forecast, creating  1

yearly budget, about creating and process of  1

yearly budget, specifying months  1

yearly budget, specifying which employees to include  1

Dealer Makes view, using to enter and display car makes  1

Dealer Management System, about maintaining sales history  1

Dealer Operation screen

dealer company's transactions data, views available to view  1

dealer operations, viewing  1

Dealer Opportunity view, using to enter opportunity  1

dealer receptionist

sales consultant, assigning customer to  1

showroom log, entering information about customer  1

unassigned opportunities, assigning to sales consultant  1

Dealer Sales and Service Hours view, using to enter and display hours  1


dealer sales manager

See also The Dealer Creates Sales Budgets and Forecasts

forecasts, about creating and process of  1

forecasts, creating their forecast  1

forms, about creating and process of  1

forms, printing  1

sales manager budget, creating  1

sales steps, tracking  1

yearly budget, about creating and process of  1

yearly budget, specifying months  1

yearly budget, specifying which employees to include  1

Dealer Service Request view, using to view service requests  1


See also The Dealer Creates and Uses Sales Steps

creating for each store, about  1

dealer operations, viewing  1

dealer operations, views available  1

enrollment process, step differences from PRM  1

new dealers, enrollment process  1

No Activity After Sales Stage Rule, about using to contact customer  1

sales steps, creating  1

service history, about sharing  1

showroom log, about using  1

suborganization, about creating for each store  1

Vehicle Sales Anniversary rule, about using to contact customer  1

Vehicle Sales Follow-up rule, about using to contact the customer  1

vehicle sales history, about assigning to  1

vehicle, about assigning to a dealer  1

vehicle, assigning to a dealer company  1

vehicle, assigning to a dealer employee  1

dealers, managing

See also Managing Your Dealers

about  1

car makes, entering that a dealer sells  1

dealer's business hours, entering  1

dealers service requests, viewing  1

opportunity, entering to sell to a dealer  1

delegated administration, about maintaining employees and stores  1

DMS (Dealer Management System), about maintaining sales history  1

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eAutomotive, list of screens for managing dealers  1


sales consultant, working with customer  1

Vehicle Sales Anniversary rule, about using to contact the customer  1

Vehicle Sales Follow-up rule, about using contact the customer  1

Employee and Customer Communication Rules Administration screen

follow-up communication, generating  1

using, about  1


budgets and forecasts, about adding to  1

budgets and forecasts, specifying which employees to include in  1

forecast, viewing by  1

store budget, viewing by  1

vehicle, assigning to  1

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Forecast screen

sales consultants, using to create forecast  1

sales manager, using to create forecast  1

store forecast, using to create  1


See also The Dealer Creates Sales Budgets and Forecasts

dealer employees, viewing forecast  1

dealer general manager, creating store forecast  1

employees, specifying which to include  1

framework, about creating  1

framework, creating for forecasts  1

monthly forecasts, about creating and process of  1

months, specifying which to include  1

sales consultants, creating their forecasts  1

sales managers, creating their forecasts  1


creating, about and process of  1

printing  1

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general manager

budgets and forecasts, creating framework for  1

forms, about creating and process of  1

forms, printing  1

sales steps, creating  1

yearly budget, about creating and process of  1

yearly budget, specifying months  1

yearly budget, specifying which employees to include  1


audience for  1

organization of  1

revision history  1

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history of revisions  1

home page

Siebel Partner Relationship Management, differences from  1

visible, making  1

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Inventory Search, about and vehicle association  1

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Lease Expiry Rule, about  1


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manufactures scenarios  1

marketing scenario  1

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No Activity After Sales Stage Rule, about  1

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Opportunities Filter applet, about using  1

Opportunities screen, new features  1

opportunities, assigning unassigned opportunities to a sales consultant  1

organization of guide  1

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partner self-registration, about using  1

printing forms  1


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Reassign button

Contacts screen, about using  1

Opportunities screen, about using  1


sales consultant, assigning customer to  1

showroom log, entering information about  1

unassigned opportunities, assigning to sale consultant  1

revision history  1

Roles, about using  1


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sales anniversary, about using the Vehicle Sales Anniversary rule  1

Sales Consultant Home Page, about  1

sales consultants

See also The Dealer Creates and Uses Sales Steps

contacts, assigning to scenario  1

customer, activities working with  1

customer, assigning to  1

follow-up communication, generating  1

follow-up communication, sales rule types  1

forecasts, about creating and process of  1

forecasts, creating  1

sales steps, using  1

unassigned opportunities, assigning to  1

sales history, about assigning to a dealer  1

Sales Manager Home Page, about  1


sales rules

follow-up communication, generating  1

follow-up communication, rule types  1

note, components required  1

Sales Step Administration screen, using to create sales steps  1

sales steps

about  1

creating  1

sales consultant, using steps  1

tracking by sales manager  1

sales, manufacturer scenario  1

screens, list of  1

service requests

dealer's service requests, viewing  1

manufacturer scenario  1

service history, about sharing  1

showroom log

about  1

about using  1

customer, entering information about  1

Showroom Log screen

product, using to enter information about  1

sales consultant, using to assign customer to  1

Siebel Business Process Manager, about using to run sales rules  1

Siebel Communication Manager server components, about using to run sales rules  1

Siebel eAutomotive, list of screens for managing dealers  1

Siebel eConfigurator, about using to assign vehicle options  1

Siebel Partner Manager, screen differences from Siebel Partner Relationship Management


Siebel Partner Portal, screen differences from Siebel Partner Relationship Management


Siebel Partner Relationship Management

creating new partner, differences from eDealer  1

eDealer, differences from  1

partners, differences from adding dealers  1

roles, about using in eDealer  1

store budget

creating  1

employees, viewing by  1

store forecast, creating  1

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trade-in appraisal form

about and process of creating  1

printing  1

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Unassigned Opportunities screen, about using  1

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Vehicle Sales Anniversary Rule, about  1

Vehicle Sales Follow-up rule, about using  1


dealer company, assigning vehicle to  1

dealer employee, assigning vehicle to  1

dealers, about assigning to  1

options, about assigning and example  1

sales history, about assigning to a dealer  1

service history, about sharing  1

stores, about associating with suborganizations  1

Vehicles screen

dealer company, using to assign vehicle to  1

vehicle, using to assign to a dealer employee  1

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 Siebel eDealer Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003