Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for Financial Services > Predefined Business Services >

Predefined Business Services

This appendix describes these predefined business services:

For more predefined business services, see Business Processes and Rules: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume IV.

Outbound Communications Manager

The Outbound Communications Manager business service is for sending notifications, such as notifications to contacts or employees. For information on methods and arguments, see Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide.

Synchronous Assignment Manager Requests

The Synchronous Assignment Manager Requests business service is for assigning an object using Assignment Manager rules. For more information on Assignment Manager rules, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

This service has one method available, Assign. This method sends a request to the assignment manager server component.

Assign Arguments

Table 93 describes the Assign method arguments.

Table 93. Assign Method Arguments
Assignment Object Name
Required. This is the object that you want to assign.
Object Row ID
Required. This is the row ID for the object you want to assign. To assign the work item for the workflow process, set this to the Object ID process property.

TIP:  The Synchronous Assignment Manager Requests business service attempts to assign all records that meet the appropriate criteria, even if they are locked. To prevent errors in your process due to locked records, you should set up a condition in your workflow process or workflow policy to skip records that do not meet the condition ASGN_USR_EXCLD_FLG = N.

Server Requests

The Server Requests business service is for sending generic requests to the server request broker. It can send it in three different modes: asynchronous, synchronous or schedule mode. While in synchronous mode, it will send the request to the server request broker and wait for a response. Otherwise, it will just send the request but does not wait for a response.

When invoking the Server Requests business service to submit a component request, you need to specify SRB parameters in the input property set and all component specific parameters in a child property set. There are two points to note: There is no validation for component parameters passed in the child property set, and these arguments do not appear in the picklist in the workflow administration views.

NOTE:  If you want to pass parameters to the server component that are not listed as available arguments, you can create a custom business service that contains the necessary parameters. Alternatively, you can create a component job that has the parameters defined as part of the job definition. For more information on creating jobs, see Siebel Server Administration Guide.

This service has two methods available:

Submit Request Arguments

Table 94 describes the Submit Request method arguments.

Table 94. Submit Request Method Arguments
Required (if Component Job is not entered). Enter the name of the server component to run.
Component Job
Required (if Component is not entered). Enter the name of the component job to run.
Delete After
Optional. Number of iterations before deleting the request. Works with Delete After Units. The default value is 0 (zero).
Delete After Units
Optional. The units to measure the iterations for the Delete After argument. The default value is "NoReq" for synchronous (request is not saved to the database) and "Eon" for asynchronous (request is never deleted).
Other possible values are:
  • ASAP
  • DAYS
Optional. A description of the server request.
Hold Flag
Optional. For asynchronous requests only. Flag to indicate whether or not to hold the request.
Maximum Execution Time
For future use.
Optional. Only applicable for service-based server components (for example, Workflow Process Manager, Communications Manager). Specify the business service method to invoke.
Mode of Server Request
Required. This tells the server request broker how to handle the server request. While in auto mode, the server request broker will set the mode to either synchronous or schedule, depending if the client is connected or mobile.
  • Sync: Synchronous
  • Async: Asynchronous
  • Schedule: Schedule
  • Auto: Automatic configuration
Request ID Needed
Optional. This is only applicable to asynchronous and schedule mode. If this is set to false, these two server requests will return even faster.
Request Key
For future use.
Repeat Interval
Optional. The interval for repeating requests.
Number of Repetitions
Optional. The number of repetitions for repeating requests.
Repeat From
Optional. Possible values are Scheduled Start, Actual Start, and End.
Repeat Interval Units
Optional. Unit of intervals for repeating requests.
Server Name
Optional. Enter the specific server that this request is to be run from.
Start Date
Optional. Start date and time.
Storage Amount
Optional. Enter the amount of time that the server request will be stored in the database in the event that the server is down.
Storage Units
Optional. Enter the units to measure the iterations for the Storage Amount argument. The units are the same as Delete After Units.

Cancel Request Method Arguments

Table 95 describes the Cancel Request method arguments.

Table 95. Cancel Request Method Arguments
Request ID
Required. This is the ID of the server request to be cancelled.
Repeat Number
Optional. This is the number of repetitions of the repeating server requests that are to be cancelled.

Workflow Utilities

The Workflow Utilities business service contains generic utilities that can be used in process definitions.

This business service has one available method, Return Property Values. This method returns a mirror image of the input arguments. The Return Property Values method is also referred to as the Echo method.

Return Property Values Arguments

Table 96 describes the Return Property Values method arguments.

Table 96. Return Property Values Method Arguments
Input Arguments
This method accepts any input arguments.
Output Arguments
An exact copy of the input arguments.

 Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for Financial Services 
 Published: 22 May 2003