Siebel eCommunications Guide > Agreements and Entitlements >

Viewing Agreement Details in the Explorer

End users can use the hierarchical format of the Agreement explorer to view agreements and examine associated information.

To examine agreement details in the Explorer

  1. Navigate to the Agreements screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select Explorer.
  3. A data document appears for each of the parent-level agreements your company has with its customers.

  4. Expand the folder for the data document.
  5. Subfolders appear for the selected agreement's associated agreements, entitlements, activities, notes, and products and services.

  6. Expand the subfolder.
  7. The individual records appear as a series of data documents below the subfolder and as rows in the list.

  8. Select a record.
  9. The details of the record appear highlighted in the list.

 Siebel eCommunications Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003