Siebel eCommunications Guide > Credit Management >

Submitting a Request

End users first submit a request for an account adjustment or a payment plan.

To submit a request for an account adjustment

  1. Navigate to the Credit Management screen.
  2. In the Credit Alerts list, select a credit alert.
  3. Click the Account Adjustments view tab.
  4. The Account Adjustments list displays the history of adjustment requests.

  5. In the Account Adjustments list, add a record and complete the necessary fields.
  6. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Amount of the adjustment. Set by default to amount owed on the credit alert.
    Date the request for adjustment is made. Set by default to current date and time.
    Reason the adjustment request is being made.
    Status of the request. Set by default to Open.
    Type of adjustment request.

NOTE:  It is possible to submit multiple account adjustment requests for a single account. However, this situation is not typical.

To submit a request for a payment arrangement plan

  1. Navigate to the Credit Management screen.
  2. In the Credit Alerts list, select a credit alert.
  3. Click the Payment Arrangements view tab.
  4. In the Payment Arrangements form, select Payment Arrangement Details from the Show drop-down list.
  5. In the Payment Arrangement Details form, add a record and complete the necessary fields.
  6. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Installment Amount
    This field is automatically populated when you enter the number of installments. The installment amount equals the original amount due divided by the number of installments.
    Number of Installments
    Number of installments for payment arrangement. For a single-payment deferral plan, this number is 1.
    Original Amount Due
    Total amount due.
    Original Due Date
    Original due date for payment.
    Plan End Date
    Payment Arrangement plan end date.
    For a single-payment deferral plan, use the same date for both Start Date and End Date.
    Plan Start Date
    Payment Arrangement plan start date.
    Plan Type
    Type of payment arrangement plan.
    Status of the request. From the drop-down list, select Pending.

  7. Click the back button until you return to the credit alert list.
  8. From the Action Type drop-down list, select Payment Arrangement Requested.

To view a history of payment arrangements

  1. Navigate to the Credit Management screen.
  2. In the Credit Alerts list, select a credit alert.
  3. Click the Payment Arrangements view tab.
  4. In the Payment Arrangements form, select Payment Arrangement from the Show drop-down list.

 Siebel eCommunications Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003