Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > Installing and Configuring the Siebel Data Warehouse > Configuring the Informatica Servers >

Configuring Informatica Server Database Connection

From the menu bar, click Server Configuration and select Database Connections. When you have completed this process, you proceed to build the Siebel Data Warehouse.

To configure the Informatica Server database connection

  1. For both transactional and data warehouse databases, use the default value for the Code Page field.
  2. Start Informatica Server Service.
    1. At the Informatica Server root directory, enter pmserver to start the service.
    2. Check pmserver.log file to see if it has started successfully. It has started successfully if it says Server initialization completed successfully.
  3. To stop the server, enter

    ./pmcmd stopserver <repository username> <repository password> <port #>.

    For example:

    ./pmcmd stopserver Administrator Administrator 4001

  4. Check whether Informatica server is running by entering the command

    ps -elf |grep pmserver.

    If it lists pmserver process, the server is running. If it lists grep pmserver, that is the process of the ps command.

  5. Set environment for Unicode if both the transactional and data warehouse data sources are Unicode.
    1. Add the following environment variables.
    • For Oracle, enter:

    setenv NLS_LANG american_america.UTF8

    • For a localized database under Oracle, change the NLS_LANG setting to the localized language and create a new ODBC connection. For example, for ESN localization, enter:

    setenv NLS_LANG spanish_spain.UTF8

    • For DB2, enter:

    setenv DB2CODEPAGE 1208

    CAUTION:  Do not put these setenv commands in the .cshrc file.
    Other machines and usernames also use this file, and this command will corrupt their non-Unicode environments.

    1. For all UNIX platforms, if both the transactional and data warehouse data sources are Unicode, add the following line to pmserver.cfg:

    SiebelUnicodeDB=<oltp_tableowner>@<oltp_connectstring> <olap_tableowner>@<olap_connectstring>

    NOTE:  There should be a space between <oltp_connectstring> and <olap_tableowner>.

    For example:

    SiebelUnicodeDB=siebel@DB204166 siebel@DB204167

  6. In Informatica Workflow Manager, right-click SIEBEL_DW_SERVER and select Edit.
  7. Click on Advanced. In Code Page field, select ISO 8859-1 Western European.

    This code page is for the UNIX environment, not Unicode-specific.

  8. Click Server Configuration from menu bar and select Database Connections.
  9. If you are using Oracle Unicode database, select UTF-8 encoding of Unicode in Code Page field, for both transactional and data warehouse databases. For other Unicode databases, use the default Code Page.

 Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004