Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > Installing and Configuring the Siebel Data Warehouse >

Installing Informatica Client

This section describes installation of the Informatica client, which is used to build and administer the Siebel Data Warehouse.

See the Informatica installation and configuration guide for the following procedure.

To install PowerMart Client on the Administrator Workstation

  1. Click through the Welcome and License Agreement screens.
  2. In the Destination Location screen, accept the default location or specify another, and then click Next.
  3. Click through the Select Program Folder screen.
  4. In the Select Components screen, select only the installation component Program and Configuration files. Click Next.
  5. Proceed with the installation. In the RegSvr32 window, click OK.
  6. In the Setup Complete screen, click Finish.

 Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004