Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications > Modifying the Look and Feel of the Web Client > Modifying Tabs >

Modifying Link Styles

The text that appears on a tab is actually a link. When a user clicks a tab, the link takes them to another page. To modify the style of the link, you change the appropriate style rules defined in the cascading style sheet. In the NREC example, the requirement is for the style of the link to match the color changes implemented on the banner. Because there are two levels of tabs (first-level navigation and third-level navigation) the properties for two selectors need to be modified. The selectors are:

To modify link style

  1. Navigate to the client_root\PUBLIC\language_code\FILES directory and then open the file dCCmain.css.
  2. The file, dCCmain.css, is the cascading style sheet for Siebel Employee Applications.

  3. Find the following selectors.
  4. Modify the color and background properties for each selector to match the attributed defined for the banner frame.
  5. The changes are shown below:


    TR.tier1On, TD.tier1On,
    TD.tier1on A,
    TD.tier1on A:visited,
    TD.tier1on A:hover,
    { font-size: 9pt;


    TR.tier3On, TD.tier3On,
    TD.tier3on A,
    TD.tier3on A:visited,
    TD.tier3on A:hover
    { font-size: 9pt;
    background-color: #BDD3FF;

  6. Save the file.
  7. When you refresh the current page of your application, the changes to the text in the active tabs take effect.

 Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 18 April 2003