Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications > Required Application Administration Tasks > Defining Company Structure >

Setting Up Organizations and Organization Skills

Setting up organizations is an optional step in an implementation. If you don't set up additional organizations, you will automatically have everything assigned to a default organization. Having one organization is like having no organization. There is no impact on visibility and data access.

Because NREC is using Partner Portal, it will set up one parent organization called NREC and then a child organization for each of its partner real estate agencies. This structure will allow NREC to logically group these different user groups and partition data accordingly.

Initially NREC creates the NREC organization. Then after the rest of the company structure is set up—positions, responsibilities, and so on—NREC will use Siebel Partner manager to set up partners and promote them to organizations with NREC as the parent organization. See Registering Partners and Creating Partner Organizations.

For more information on organizations and company structure, see Applications Administration Guide.

To set up an organization

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Group Administration > Organizations.
  2. The Organizations view appears.

  3. Add a new record.
  4. Some fields are listed in the following table.

    NREC Organization
    Unique name for the organization. It is recommended that you include the word organization in the name.
    Partner Manager Position
    Used for Partner Portal to represent the person in the organization who manages the relationship with partners. For more information, see Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide.
    Partner Flag
    Indicates whether the organization represents an external enterprise.

    NOTE:  Organizations cannot be deleted.

 Developing and Deploying Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 18 April 2003