Siebel Distance Learning Guide > Attending a Distance Learning Session >

Viewing a Recorded Distance Learning Presentation

Distance Learning can be used to record and play back presentations that may include synchronized audio tracks. However, the following Distance Learning features are not available when you view a recorded Distance Learning presentation:

To view a recorded Distance Learning presentation

  1. Navigate to the Conference Center screen.
  2. NOTE:  For information on navigating in Siebel Distance Learning, see Navigating Siebel Distance Learning Attendee Screens.

    The Siebel Distance Learning Sessions - Main Page appears.

  3. Find the listing for the session you want to replay, click the Replay icon.
  4. The Replay icon looks like a movie projector.

    Click for full size image

    The Distance Learning - Attending window appears with the Replay toolbar.

    Click for full size image

  5. Click the Play button on the Replay toolbar.
  6. The window is resized, screen captures are displayed, and the audio track is played. You can use the buttons on the Replay toolbar to rewind, fast-forward, stop, or start the recorded presentation.

 Siebel Distance Learning Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003