Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III > Integrating with J2EE Application Server >

The Siebel JavaBean Wizard

To ease integration between the Siebel application and J2EE Application Servers, Siebel applications provide a wizard that generates JavaBeans for business services and integration objects. In Siebel Tools, you generate JavaBeans for the Siebel objects you want to interface with and then include the generated JavaBeans in the J2EE application or component you are constructing. The generated JavaBeans act as client-side proxy stubs to the corresponding objects on the Siebel Server and are not the actual business service logic written in Java.

Siebel Tools ships with a wizard for creating JavaBeans based on Siebel business services or Siebel integration objects. Creating JavaBeans based on business services or integration objects provides a uniform mechanism to interact with these objects from within a J2EE component or application.

Using these beans, you can develop J2EE components that retrieve data and content from within Siebel applications and trigger events within Siebel applications depending upon the nature of the interaction. The generation of these beans reduces the complexity of the integration, while providing a standard, component- based interface to Siebel applications. JavaBeans generated by the Wizard may be used in conjunction with either the Siebel Java Data Bean, or the Siebel Resource Adapter.

For more information about the Siebel Java Data Bean, see Siebel Tools Online Help. For more information about the Siebel Resource Adapter, see The Siebel Resource Adapter.

 Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III 
 Published: 23 June 2003