Siebel Employee Relationship Management Administration Guide > Setting Up Employee Self-Service >

Accessing and Submitting Self-Service Forms (End User)

End users can access forms in the Self-Service area of the Help Desk home page, or from the Employee Self-Service tab on the site map. After a user selects the appropriate form, the form can be completed and submitted for approval.

NOTE:  As an administrator, you can use this procedure to test the forms before final release.

Accessing Self-Service Forms

End users can access self-service forms using the Help Desk home page.

To access an employee self-service form

  1. Navigate to the HelpDesk home page.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select Forms Library.
  3. In the Available Forms list, drill down on the hyperlink in the name field for the form you want to access.
  4. In the form, complete the necessary fields, and then click Submit.
  5. Required questions are flagged with an asterisk (*).

    NOTE:  Both incomplete and complete forms can be saved and submitted at a later time. To save the form and the information you have entered, click Submit Later. You can access a saved form from the My Saved Forms view.

    If the form is linked to the Unified Approvals Inbox, the form is sent on to the first approver.

Accessing a Saved Self-Service Form

Use the following procedure to access a saved employee self-service form.

To access a saved form

  1. Navigate to the HelpDesk home page.
  2. In the Self Service list, click Forms Library.
  3. From the Show drop-down list, select My Saved Forms.
  4. In the Saved Forms list, select the form you want to access.
  5. Click Resume to continue filling out the form.

Accessing a Submitted Self-Service Form

Use the following procedure to access a submitted employee self-service form.

To access a submitted form

  1. Navigate to your myPage screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Submitted Items.
  3. In the list, select the submitted item.
  4. You can check the status and approval history for items from this view. You can also access a summary of the form you completed.

    To see the entire form, including your answers to questions, navigate to the My Finished Forms view within the Forms Library.

 Siebel Employee Relationship Management Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003