Siebel Field Service Guide > Cycle Counting and Replenishment > Inventory Screen >

Cycle Counts View

The Cycle Counts view sets specifications that the Cycle Counting Engine uses to automatically generate the cycle count lists. To reach this view, choose Cycle Counts from the Show drop-down list.

The Inventory Locations view is the same as previously described (see Inventory Locations View), with the addition of a Generate Counts button and a Generate Counts (All Locations) command. Table 109 describes commands and buttons in the Inventory Locations view for Cycle Counts records.

Table 109.  Selected Items in the Inventory Locations View for Cycle Counts
Generate Counts
This button produces a list of products to count for the selected inventory location. The list appears in the Parts List view (see Part List View).
Generate Counts (All Locations)
This command produces a list of products to count for all inventory location. The list appears in the Parts List view (see Part List View).

More Info Subview

The Cycle Counts view has a More Info subview containing the following items specific to cycle counting (Table 110). These fields are read-only.

Table 110.  Selected Items in the More Info Subview for Cycle Counts
ABC Class
The classification of product, A, B, or C, that indicates its value. Class A has the greatest value.
The actual end date for a cycle count.
The date for the actual start of a cycle count.
The status of a cycle count; for example, Assigned, Closed, or Open.
XYZ Class
The classification of product, X, Y, or Z, that indicates its turnover rate. Class X has the greatest turnover rate.

Cycle Counts Subview

The Cycle Counts subview contains read-only records that are derived from the data recorded in the Cycle Counts view (see Cycle Counts View). Table 111 describes fields in the Cycle Counts subview.

Table 111.  Fields in the Cycle Counts View
Assigned To
The employee assigned to carry out this cycle count.
The date on which the counts of products specified in the Parts List view (see Part List View) should be completed.
The date the cycle count period ends, which is inherited from the Cycle Counts screen.
Inventory Location
The name of the inventory location for this cycle count.
The date the cycle count period starts.
The status of a cycle count; for example, Assigned, Closed, or Open.

 Siebel Field Service Guide 
 Published: 21 April 2003