Siebel eConsumer Goods Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Data Filtering > Query by Example Filters >

Filtering Out List of Values

You can use QBE filters to filter out values that are not used in picklists in your handheld application. For example, there may be account types, such as Distributor and Competitor, that are only used by users in the Web Client application and are not used by sales representatives out in the field. By including only those values that are used by the sales representative, you simplify the application for the user and improve the application performance.

The following is an example of a QBE filter that filters List of Values (LOV):

DefaultSyncFilter1 = List of Values| ([Type])="ACCOUNT_TYPE") AND (([Value] = "Reseller") OR ([Value] = "Retailer"))

In this example, regardless of the number of values that have been defined for LOV type ACCOUNT_TYPE, only the Reseller and Retailer values are extracted to the handheld.

Be careful when you use QBE filters on LOVs. Multiple screens and views may use List of Values, such as ACCOUNT_TYPE, and may require that different values appear in the list. To avoid data loss, carefully review your filters and verify that all the required values are included.

 Siebel eConsumer Goods Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003