Siebel eHealthcare Guide > Group Policies > End-User Procedures >

Reconfiguring Customizable Products in Plan Design

End users can dynamically reconfigure customizable products by using the ReConfig button in the Product Attributes list. The ReConfig button is only available if Siebel eConfigurator was installed and the selected product was created as a customizable product in Siebel eConfigurator. For more information, see the chapters about customizable products in the Product Administration Guide.

To dynamically reconfigure customizable products in plan design

  1. Navigate to the Group Policies screen.
  2. In the Policies/Quotes list, select a group policy.
  3. Click the Plan Design view tab.
  4. In the Product Attributes list, click ReConfig.
  5. A configuration session launches and a selection page appears. For information about customizable product selection pages, see Product Administration Guide.

 Siebel eHealthcare Guide 
 Published: 04 June 2003