Siebel eHealthcare Guide > Providers > End-User Procedures >

Viewing Provider Payments and Adding Payments Manually

End users can use the Payments view to review information about payments their company makes to providers. Payment information can include payment amount, payment date, payment adjustments, and reason for payment.

To view a provider payment

  1. Navigate to the Providers screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Providers.
  3. In the Providers list, select a provider.
  4. Click the Payments view tab.

Provider payments are usually imported from an external billing system. You can add payments manually in the Providers list.

To add payments manually

  1. Navigate to the Providers screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select My Providers.
  3. In the Providers list, select a provider.
  4. Click the Payments view tab.
  5. In the Payments list, add a record and complete the necessary fields.

NOTE:  You can scroll down to the Payment Details form to see additional fields.

 Siebel eHealthcare Guide 
 Published: 04 June 2003