Siebel eHospitality Guide > Product Overview > Business Scenario >

Reviewing Pending Events

S. Ross comes to work and logs in to eHospitality. On the home page, she sees that a new event, Siebel Systems Training, is listed in the My Pending Events list. To find out about the event requirements, she clicks the event name. This displays some general information about the event, and lists the individual functions that will be included in the event.

To verify that the event does not conflict with anything else on her schedule, she chooses Event Calendar from the Show drop-down list.

Everything appears to be in order, so she clicks on the event name to return to the previous view, and changes the Transfer Status to Accepted. From this point on, she is responsible for planning and managing the event.

 Siebel eHospitality Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003