Siebel eHospitality Guide > Using Siebel eHospitality Before Events >

Creating Orders

Each event must be associated with one or more orders that specify goods and services to be provided for the event. An order can be associated with only one event.

Different order types exist for different purposes. If there are multiple orders for the event, any combination of order types can be used. The following order types are available:

Each function within an event must be associated with a single order. Similarly, each line item must be associated with a single order. An order can be associated with multiple functions and/or line items.

Each order is also associated with a price list, which determines the list price of each line item in the order. If there is a price list associated with the property where the parent event will be located, that price list is the default price list for all the orders associated with the event.

The following procedure describes how to create an order.

To create an order

  1. Navigate to the Events screen.
  2. In the Events list, select the event for which you want to create an order
  3. Click the Orders view tab to display the Event Orders list.
  4. Click New to create a new record in the list, and then complete the fields; some fields are described in the following table.
  5. Field
    Defaults to the value of the Account setting for the parent event. Can be changed to a vendor account for a rental order.
    Address for the account. This field is not displayed in the Orders list by default, but it can be shown by using the Columns Displayed command.
    Indicates whether an events manager has approved the order, according to any procedures used by the organization.
    Approved By
    Person approving the order.
    Specifies the currency to be used for pricing on line items. This field is not displayed in the Orders list by default, but it can be shown by using the Columns Displayed command.
    Discount %
    Discount percentage to be applied to all line items for the selected order. This field is not displayed in the Orders list by default, but it can be shown by using the Columns Displayed command.
    Invoice #
    Unique, read-only identifier for the invoice that is associated with the selected order. Automatically populated when a check is opened for the order.
    Order Date
    Automatically populated with the date and time the order record was created.
    Order #
    A unique, identifying number for the order. Automatically populated.
    Price List
    Determines which price list will be used to set prices for all line items for the selected order. Defaults to the price list associated with the event property (location). This field is not displayed in the Orders list by default, but it can be shown by using the Columns Displayed command.
    Location of the account associated with the order. This field is not displayed in the Orders list by default, but it can be shown by using the Columns Displayed command.
    Indicates the status of the order. Available values are set in the FS_ORDER_STATUS LOV. Relevant values for eHospitality orders are Approved, Closed, Event Check, Open, and Projected. Additional values apply to other types of orders. A value of Event Check indicates that the check has been opened. A value of Closed indicates that the check has been posted. For more information about event checks, see Using Siebel eHospitality After Events.
    The type of order you are creating. Values available by default include AVEO (Audio/Visual Order), BEO (Banquet Event Order), Event, No BEO, and Rental Order.

 Siebel eHospitality Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003