Siebel eHospitality Guide > Using Siebel eHospitality Before Events >

Specifying Function Line Items

Function line items are used to specify the specific goods and services needed for each function in an event. A line item is specified by choosing a product from a list of products previously defined by an administrator. When a product is chosen, its existing characteristics include its subcategory, the charge codes associated with that subcategory, and the taxes and service charges associated with each charge code. The charge code that applies depends on the Business Type setting of the parent event. The taxes that apply may depend on the location (property) where the event is held and the service charges associated with the charge code. For the user, the effect of all these predefined characteristics and relationships is that charge codes, service charges, and taxes are automatically assigned when a product is chosen as a function line item. For more information about charge codes, service charges, and taxes, see Defining Charge Codes, Taxes, and Service Charges.

The following procedure describes how to add line items to a function.

To add line items for a function

  1. Navigate to the Events screen and then select the event for which you want to add line items.
  2. Click the Functions view tab to display the Events form and the functions list.
  3. Click the Function Type hyperlink for the function for which you want to add line items.
  4. In the Line Items list, click New, and then complete the fields; some fields are described in the table that follows this procedure.
  5. Repeat this step to specify additional line items for the selected function.

    NOTE:  If a line item is a complex product with Type set to Package, the allocated price of the package must equal the sum of the allocated prices of the line items that make up the package. To check whether this is the case, select the package and click Recalculate. If the prices do not match, you must adjust the prices of the individual line items in the package, then click Recalculate again.

    Adjusted Price
    Displays line item price after all applicable discounts have been applied. There may be discounts at the order, function, and line item levels.
    Allocated Price
    Price quoted to the customer. Defaults to the value of the Adjusted Price field, but can be changed. For a package, the sum of the allocated prices for the items in the package must be made to equal the allocated price for the package.
    Item name, chosen from a list of products.
    Quantity needed of the line item.
    Prod #
    Product number of the line item. Available values are set in the Product Administration screen. This field is not shown by default, but can be shown using the Columns Displayed command.
    A read-only field automatically populated with information concerning function and subfunction relationships. This field is not shown by default, but can be shown using the Columns Displayed command.
    Service Start
    The time at which operations starts setting up the item or service. Overrides setup time for product associated with line item, if earlier than the time the function starts minus the product setup time.
    Indicates whether a specific asset or assets have been reserved or "booked." Products with Resource Type of Critical receive an automatic attempt to reserve an appropriate asset. Products with Resource Type of General are not associated with assets and are not reserved. Products with Resource Type of Non-Critical must be reserved through the use of the AutoBook button. For more information about reserving assets, see Reserving Assets.
    Unit Price
    Automatically populated based on the price list for the order that includes the selected function. If they are available in the price list, uses Promotional Prices for list items, otherwise uses List Prices.
    Units for the line item. Automatically populated based on the UoM value for the associated product, which is set in the Product Administration screen.

 Siebel eHospitality Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003