Siebel eHospitality Guide > Using Siebel eHospitality Before Events >

Describing Pending Events

Siebel eHospitality is designed primarily for the use of event management and event operations personnel. This guide concentrates on event-related activities that begin with an event manager accepting or rejecting responsibility for a pending event (an event proposed by event sales personnel).

The following procedure describes how an event salesperson can specify information about a proposed event, so that an events manager can accept or reject the event.

To specify information about a proposed event

  1. Navigate to the Events screen.
  2. Click the More Info view tab.

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  1. In the More Info form, click the show more button to display additional fields.
  2. Click New, and then complete the fields in the More Info form; some fields are described in the table that follows this procedure.
  3. If you have not already done so, use the following substeps to add the person who should review the proposed event to the Event Team.
    1. In the Event Team field, click the select button to display a dialog box that lists current event team members.
    2. Click New to display a list of potential event team members.
    3. Select the listing for the desired new member and click OK to add that person to the current event team.
    4. Click Close to close the dialog box and return to the Events list and More Info Form.
  4. If you are ready to transfer the proposed event to events management personnel for review, set Transfer Status to Pending.
  5. Field
    The customer organization for the event.
    Attendance Type
    Expected composition of the audience for the event. By default, available values are All VIPs, General, and Mixed VIPs. Available values are stored in the SHM_ATD_TYPE_CD list of values (LOV).
    Booking #
    Unique identifying number of a sales quote associated with the event, if the system includes quote capability.
    Business Type
    The industry or business type of the customer organization.
    Lets event management personnel indicate a reason for rejecting a pending event. Typical reasons for rejecting an event include not being able to meet event requirements at the proposed property, or needing more information from event sales personnel before a decision can be reached.
    Stores contact information for one or more people in the customer organization. Automatically populated based on account.
    End Date
    Final date and ending time of the event. You must specify the date. You are not required to specify the time, but if you do not do so, an arbitrary time is automatically assigned. This time is not used in any calculations, but should be entered correctly in order to provide correct information to events personnel.
    Event Site URL
    Link to a Web site that provides information about the selected event.
    Event Team
    Persons responsible for executing the proposed event. Anyone on the event team can accept or reject a pending event.
    Event Type
    Describes the general nature of the event. Available values are stored in the EVENT_FORMAT LOV. By default, the following values are available: Auction, Benefit, Conference, Cultural, Demonstration, Fundraiser, General, Meeting, Presentation, Restricted, Seminar, and Trade Show.
    Customer's objectives for the event.
    Parking Fee
    Parking fee for the event. This is a currency field.
    Location for the event.
    Sales Creation Date
    Automatically populated from sales quote, if present, when Booking # is specified.
    Sales Status
    Automatically populated from sales quote, if present.
    Sales Status Change
    Automatically populated from sales quote, if present, when Booking # is specified.
    Sales Team
    Members of your organization involved in the event sale. Automatically populated from sales quote, if present, when Booking # is specified.
    Start Date
    First date and starting time of the event. You must specify the date. You are not required to specify the time, but if you do not do so, an arbitrary time is automatically assigned. This time is not used in any calculations, but should be entered correctly in order to provide correct information to events personnel.
    Target Size
    The expected number of people who will attend the event.
    Transfer Date
    Date on which events manager accepts responsibility for the proposed event. Populated automatically when Transfer Status is changed to Accepted or Assigned.
    Transfer Status
    Indicates whether event management personnel have accepted responsibility for the event. Event sales personnel should set the value of this field to Pending when ready for event management review. This causes the event to be listed in My Pending Events on the home page of Event Team members. Event management personnel should set the value to Accepted or Assigned if they accept responsibility for executing the event. At that time, the event listing moves to the My Events list. If the value is set to Rejected, the event disappears from home page lists. The Comments field should be used to indicate why an event is rejected.

 Siebel eHospitality Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003