Siebel Interactive Selling Transact Server Interface Reference > ConfigAccess Bean API >


Call this function last in the page.
public void finishUp()
<% bean.finishUp() %>
Call this function to get the city associated with the account billing address.
public String getBillingCity()
<%= bean.getBillingCity() %>
Call this function to get the name associated with the account billing address.
public String getBillingName()
<%= bean.getBillingName() %>
Call this function to get the country associated with the account billing address.
public String getBillingCountry
<%= bean.getBillingCountry() %>
Call this function to get the state associated with the account billing address.
public String getBillingState()
<%= bean.getBillingState() %>
Call this function to get the street address associated with the account billing address.
public String getBillingStreet()
<%= bean.getBillingStreet() %>
Call this function to get the ZIP Code associated with the account billing address.
public String getBillingZip()
<%= bean.getBillingZip() %>
This function must be called to get the desired configuration. It must be called before any of the part accessor methods (for example, getPartID or nextPart).
public void getConfig()
<% bean.getConfig(); %>
This function returns an array of KeyValuePair objects whose keys are the field names and values of the part's config data, where the field name (key) contains or equals the string argument field_match. If you called getMatchingPartFields with "PRICE" as the field_match argument, you would get back, for example, "PETPRICE," "MPRICE," "DISCPRICE," and "PRICE" if those fields were all in the config data for the part.
The KeyValuePair object is an object containing two string fields: key and value. If the key field of the KeyValuePair object is the string "PRICE," the value will be the price.
public KeyValuePair[] getMatchingPartFields
(String field_match)
<% KeyValuePair[] array = bean.getMatchingPartFields("PRICE");
for (int i=0; i<array.length; i++) { %>
field <%=array[i].key %> has value <%= array[i].value %>
<% } %>
Call this function to get the city associated with the account shipping address.
public String getShippingCity()
<%= bean.getShippingCity() %>
Call this function to get the country associated with the account shipping address.
public String getShippingCountry()
<%= bean.getShippingCountry() %>
Call this function to get the name associated with the account shipping address.
public String getShippingName()
<%= bean.getShippingName() %>
Call this function to get the state associated with the account shipping address.
public String getShippingState()
<%= bean.getShippingState() %>
Call this function to get the street address associated with the account shipping address.
public String getShippingStreet()
<%= bean.getShippingStreet() %>
Call this function to get the ZIP Code associated with the account shipping address.
public String getShippingZip()
<%= bean.getShippingZip() %>
This function returns the ConfigData for the configuration as a delimited string. The delimiter used is "~|".
public String getPartConfigData()
<%= bean.getPartConfigData() %>
This function returns a String description of the part.
public String getPartDescr()
<%= bean.getPartDescr() %>
This function returns the extended price for the part (price*qty).
public String getPartExtPrice()
<%= bean.getPartExtPrice() %>
This function returns the extended subprice for the part (subprice*qty).
public String getPartExtSubPrice()
<%= bean.getPartExtSubPrice() %>
This function returns the value of the ConfigData field. ConfigData includes all inputs and outputs. Inputs include all widget selections and all related feature table data. Inputs also include all untabled widgets, which are usually text input boxes that are not associated with feature tables. Outputs are all information from the configuration table. Extra information from 0 columns like PRICE or PARTNUM is also included.
public String getPartField(String field)
<%= bean.getPartField("DESC") %>
This function returns the value of the ITEM_ITEMIZED variable. See Siebel Interactive Designer Administration Guide for more information on the ITEM_ITEMIZED variable.
public String getPartItemized()
<%= bean.getPartItemized() %>
This function returns the unique identifier of this part's parent, if a parent exists.
public int getPartParentID()
<%= bean.getPartParentID() %>
This function returns the unique ID of the part.
public int getPartID()
<%= bean.getPartID() %>
This function returns the number of the part in the list, such that the first part has an index value of 1.
public int getPartIndex()
<%= bean.getPartIndex() %>
The getPartLevel function returns a number indicating the number of ancestors (parents) this part has in the configuration. The list of parts is traversed from parent to child. A part with no parent will have a level of 0, one parent a level of 1, a parent with a parent a level of 2, and so on.
public int getPartLevel()
<% if (bean.getPartLevel() > 0) { %>
This function returns the part's part number as a string.
public String getPartNum()
<%= bean.getPartNum() %>
This function returns the part's price.
public String getPartPrice()
<%= bean.getPartPrice() %>
This function returns the quantity of the part in the configuration.
public String getPartQty()
<%= bean.getPartQty() %>
This function returns the Part "subprice." The subprice is where the part's price is the sum of its children's prices.
public String getPartSubPrice()
<%= bean.getPartSubPrice() %>
Call this function to determine whether this configuration's list of parts contains more parts to show. This function returns true if there are more parts left in the list. It is used in conjunction with nextPart().
public boolean hasMoreParts()
<% while (bean.hasMoreParts()) {
} %>
<% } %>
Call this function to iterate to the next part in the configuration's list of parts. Used in conjunction with hasMoreParts().
public void nextPart()
<% while (bean.hasMoreParts()) {
} %>
Call the setRequest function with the built-in request variable of your JSP page. This function must be called before getConfig.
public void setRequest (HttpServletRequest request)
<% bean.setRequest(request); %>
Call the setSession function with the built-in session variable of your JSP page. This function must be called before getConfig.
public void setSession (HttpSession session)
<% bean.setSession(session); %>

 Siebel Interactive Selling Transact Server Interface Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003