Siebel Interactive Selling Transact Server Interface Reference > Installing Transact Server > Configure the Application Server Environment >

The WebLogic Environment

To set up the WebLogic environment for Transact Server, you must complete these major tasks:

  1. Set up the class and directory paths.
  2. Modify WebLogic.Properties file.
  3. Set up the Transact Database.
  4. Set up the LDAP directory server (optional).

The discussion below shows you how to complete each of these tasks.

Setting Up the Class Path and Directory Path

The class and directory paths for the WebLogic environment can be completed in four steps.

To set up the class path and directory path

  1. Copy three folders to <WebLogic root>/myserver/public_html:
  2. Set up the environment class path.
  3. You can use the setenv script file provided by WebLogic. For additional information, refer to the WebLogic5.1 documentation:

    Use the following file names in the environment classpath:

    CLASSPATH=%JDK_CLASSES%......;<Transact root>/JavaLib/ rincon41.jar

  4. Add Transact Server jar files to the WebLogic classpath.
  5. You can do this using startWebLogic.cmd. For more information, refer to the WebLogic5.1 documentation at the following links:

  6. Append the following files to the WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH parameter:
  7. <Transact root>/Javalib/rincon41.jar

    <Transact root>/Javalib/transact41.jar

    <Transact root>/Javalib/xalan.jar

    <Transact root>/Javalib/xerces.jar.

    <Transact root>/Javalib/xml.jar.

    <WebLogic root>/persistence/WebLogic_RDBMS.jar.

Modifying <WebLogic root>/WebLogic.Properties

According to the WebLogic administration guidelines, you must modify the following variables located in your file.

NOTE:  If you have a clean WebLogic file, in which variables are commented out by the prefix "#," remove the "#" sign before modifying the values.

Add <Transact root>/Javalib/rincon41.jar
<Transact root>/Javalib/transact41.jar
Replicate all values related to WebLogic.jdbc.connectionPool.OraclePool.
Change OraclePool to SiebelPool.
The new variable name is WebLogic.jdbc.connectionPool.SiebelPool.
Make sure the "#" sign is removed.
Make sure the "#" sign is removed.

Add these variables to the bottom of the file.

To set up the WebLogic the application server

  1. Create servlets, SiebelTransact, LoginProcess, and Logout.
  2. Set up a security reference for your WebLogic Application Server.
  3. Set up a data source for list quote and list configuration.
  4. Example:

    WebLogic.jdbc.DataSource.SiebelDataSource=SiebelPool where SiebelPool is the database pool you setup for Transact Server.

Setting Up the Database

Transact Server operates with Oracle and SQL 2000 JDBC drivers. You must set up the JDBC driver on your system with a user name, password, and service name.


To create tables, execute <Transact root>/db/oracle/auth_orcl.sql and <Transact root>/db/oracle/transact_orcl.sql.

Microsoft SQL Server (Windows only)

Assume you already installed jdriver for MSSQL and modify the path in setenv.cmd and startWebLogic.cmd. Then you can set up Microsoft SQL Server.

  1. To create tables, replace $(username) in <transact root>/db/msql/auth_msql.sql and <transact root>/db/msql/transact_msql.sql with your user name. Execute these two files by typing:
  2. <MSSQL root>/bin/isql -U<username> -P<password> -S<servername>

    -i<transact root>/../../<transact_msql and auth_msql>.sql


    -U is username

    -P is password

    -S is servername

    -i is the sql input file

  3. Add the MSSQL connection pool.
  4. You can add the connection pool through the WebLogic property file or other WebLogic recommended methods. For more information, refer to the WebLogic5.1 documentation at the following link:

    An example of the Connection Pooling Property for MSSQL:

    url=jdbc:WebLogic:mssqlserver4:<table name>@<db host>:1433,\ driver=WebLogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver,\ props=user=<user>;password=<password>;server=<db host>

Setting Up the LDAP Server

You can set up an LDAP server to authenticate users, although this is optional.

To set up the LDAP Server (optional)

  1. From your <WebLogic root> command prompt, type setenv.
  2. Type startWebLogic.
  3. The WebLogic Server starts.

  4. Open the property editor from the Web browser using the following URL:
  5. http://host:7001/propertieseditor/index.htm.

  6. Click the Authentication tab to get to the authentication.jsp page.
  7. Enter a value for the LDAP credential variable.
  8. The value will be encrypted and not displayed to the user.

  9. Click Submit, and then shut down the WebLogic server.
  10. Copy siebel.prp and siebel_default.prp to <transact root>\scripts directory.
  11. From your <transact root>\scripts, type setRinconPath.
  12. Run rincon_setup.
  13. Run transact_setup.
  14. This sets up the LDAP server.

  15. If you want to uninstall your setup, run transact_uninstall first, and then rincon_uninstall.
  16. An error appears if you try to run rincon_uninstall before you run transact_uninstall.

  17. Each time you change your LDAP credential using the property editor, you must copy siebel.prp from <WebLogic root> to <transact root>/script.
  18. This step allows the LDAP setup script files to pick up the new variable for running the setup.

  19. Open the WebLogic property file and append this line to the end of the file.

  21. Restart WebLogic server to make security take effect.

 Siebel Interactive Selling Transact Server Interface Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003