Siebel Interactive Selling Applications Upgrade Guide > Upgrading to ePricer Version 7 > Preupgrade Tasks >

Recording the Default Price List ID

You should review the default price list to record the ID for use in updating the default price list after upgrading to Siebel 7. This will make sure that Siebel eSales and other applications that use a default price list are pricing from the correct price list.

To review the default price list ID

  1. Navigate to the Application Administration screen.
  2. Select the List of Values applet.
  3. Query on the LOV type for PRICER_MASTER_PRICE_LIST_ID.
  4. Make note of the row ID in the Display Value field.
  5. This row ID is for your default price list. You will use it once you have completed the upgrade process. See Checking the Default Price List ID.

 Siebel Interactive Selling Applications Upgrade Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003