Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference > API Examples >

Example 1: Create a Custom Input UI Control

The code in the following example defines a graphical radio button input UI control that uses images instead of standard radio buttons to indicate whether the input UI control is selected. As with a radio button, the state of this input UI control changes when users click the radio button image.

Some definitions in this example refer to the following:

Window that the input UI control is in.
Name of the Feature table from which to build the UI control.
Row of the Feature table you are currently accessing.
Column name in Feature table which contains path to "selected" image for this row.
Column name in Feature table which contains path to "unselected" image for this row.

function BuildImageWidget(winObj,featureTableName,index, pictON, pictOFF)


  ISS.RegisterUIElement(featureTableName, winObj, true);


  var bPict = false;

  var srcON, srcOFF;

  var label = new ISS.Label_Obj(featureTableName);

  if (index >= label.GetNumLabels()) { return ""; }

  var srcON = label.GetLabelName(index,pictON);

  var srcOFF = label.GetLabelName(index,pictOFF);

  var presel = ISS.GetInputValue(featureTableName);

  if (presel == null && typeof presel == "undefined") { return ""; }

  var src;

  if (presel==index) {

     src = srcON;

  } else {

     src = srcOFF;


  var s = '<A HREF="#" ' ;

  s += ' onClick="ISS.SetInputValue(';

  s += '\''+featureTableName+'\','+index;

  s += ');return false;">';

  s += '<IMG align="absmiddle" border = 0 src="'+src+

  return s;


 Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003