Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference > Siebel-Specific Functions >



Use the GetPrice function to return and display the final price of the selected product for the user. When the call is made, a pop-up window will display showing the current product price. The price will include any pricing adjustments if configured within the Siebel pricing engine.

GetPrice can be called from any frame within the application and can be executed anywhere a JavaScript function can be used. It is commonly called from the onClick event handler of a link, but can also be referred to from an image map, set as the SUBMIT method of an embedded frame, or called from another user-defined JavaScript function.

Refer to the Runtime Access to Your Pricing Information topic in Siebel Interactive Designer Administration Guide for more information.



Optional argument used as the description for the customizable product to be added. If productDescriptionString is not specified, the model and state are examined to automatically build a customizable product description before adding the product to, and displaying, the quote or order.
You can define ProductDescriptionString in the following ways:
  • As <product ID>
  • As a fully formed string, built by hand or using helper APIs (see BuildProductStr). Use the form:
  • relationship=<relationship name>&*prodID=<prodID>&*qty=<quantity>&*at tributes={<key1>=<value1>&*<key2>=<value2> &*...}&*children={<child1>|*<child2>|*...}

  • As null to specify not to extract a string





 Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003