Siebel Marketing Guide > Creating Measures >

Defining List Measures

List measures are mappings to database fields such as name, address, state, postal code, customer key, and so on.

These measures are used as columns in output file layouts for distribution lists and to help you define Campaign Load Mappings, which specify the data on each campaign contact that is recorded in the Siebel transaction database. Unlike bound measures, list measures do not support calculations, so they cannot be used in other measure definitions.

Use either the All Measures list or click the List view tab, to create list measures by mapping to a table and field in your data warehouse. For example, you might define a list measure called First Name and map it to a field called FNAME in a table called CUST_INFO. When you define your list formats and generate a campaign distribution list that uses the First Name field as part of the format, the process retrieves your customers' first names from the CUST_INFO.FNAME field.

When you create a list measure from the All Measures list, set the measure Type to List. The measure type is automatically set to list when you create the measure from the List tab view.

The List view tab displays defined list measures and output file layouts that use the measure. To view details of the output file layout, drill down on the name link. For more information, see Working With Output File Layouts.

Use the following procedure to create list measures that are used for output file layouts for distribution lists and Campaign Load Mappings for external data mapping.

To create a list measure

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Administration > Measures.
  2. In the All Measures list, select the custom measure, and drill down on the measure name.
  3. Click the List view tab.
  4. In the List measures list, create a new record.
  5. Complete the necessary fields.
    1. Type a Name and Description for the list measure.
    2. The name field has a maximum length of 50 characters.

    3. Click the Table select button.
    4. In the Pick Tables dialog box, choose the table that contains the field that will be referenced by list measure and click OK.
    5. For example, you might choose a table called CUSTOMERS.

    6. Click the Fields select button.
    7. In the Pick Fields dialog box, choose the field from the list of fields in the table and click OK.
    8. For example, you might choose the reference field TELEPHONE in the CUSTOMER table.

Repeat this procedure to create list measures for every table and field that contain information you might use in a contact list.

Typical list measures might include the following:

NOTE:  You will need to create list measures for each unique identifier that corresponds to each targeting level (Key 1, Key 2, and so on). For more information, see About Customer Hierarchies.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003