Siebel Marketing Guide > External Data Mapping > Joining Tables and Fields >

Using the Cost Parameter (Advanced)

You can use the join cost feature to influence the join path for Marketing Server queries. Each table join has an optional cost parameter. Cost is a unitless, relative number that the Marketing Server uses to calculate the most efficient query path. The Marketing Server selects the query path with the lowest total cost.

When multiple paths exist, the Marketing Server randomly selects one and runs a test query to compute the total cost of each path. Finally, the Marketing Server chooses the path with the lowest total cost and runs the full query.

You can exercise some control over this process by modifying the Cost parameter. Each table join has a Cost parameter (default 1000). If you want the Marketing Server to use a particular path, you can raise its cost or lower the cost of other paths.

To set the cost parameter

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Marketing Administration > External Data Mapping.
  2. Click the Joins view tab.
  3. In the Joins list, select the join record.
  4. In the Joins Show drop-down list, choose Details.
  5. In the Joins form, type the Cost value that meets your business needs.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003