Siebel Marketing Guide > List Management > Creating and Managing Internal Lists >

Creating Lists of Prospects Using Additional Attributes

You can create lists of prospects by querying the additional attribute data for all prospects. For example, you might create an additional attribute for hobby and then record these values for many of your prospects. For a campaign, you might want to create a list of prospects with certain hobbies, such as sailing or painting.

You can create a list of prospects by using the Prospects by Attribute list. In this list, the New Internal List and Add to List functions are also available. Simply query the list of all prospects using the appropriate attribute and attribute value. Then highlight the desired records and either create a new list or add to an existing list.

Due to the many-to-many relationship between prospects and attributes, you cannot have multiple combinations of attributes and values in a single query. If you wish to create of a list that combines queries, for example Hobby = Skiing AND Preferred Language = Spanish, perform separate queries and use the Add to List function to combine the results.

To create an internal list of prospects using attributes

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > List Management > Prospects by Attribute.
  2. In the Prospects by Attribute list, select the prospects that you would like to include in your internal list or perform a query, if necessary.
  3. After you receive the results of your query, you can select any number of the records for inclusion in the list.

  4. With the records highlighted, click New Internal List.
  5. This saves a new list. The list name defaults to your login ID plus the date time stamp (for example, "JSMITH 31/12/2001 5:00 pm").

  6. To see the new list, from the Show drop-down list, select Lists and find the default name on the list.

To add to an internal list using prospect attributes

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > List Management > Prospects by Attribute.
  2. In the Prospects by Attribute list, select the prospects that you would like to include in your internal list or perform a query if necessary.
  3. Once you receive the results of your query, you can select any number of the records for inclusion in the list.

  4. With your desired records highlighted, click Add to List.
  5. In the Pick List dialog box, select the appropriate list and click OK.
  6. To verify that the new prospects have been added to the list, from the Show drop-down list, select Lists.
  7. Select the list to which prospects have been added.
  8. Click the List Contacts and Prospects view tab to see your selected prospects.

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003